School Of Poww - Chapter 1

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It's been 3 days since that day of being discovered by those people, I was immediately sent to an orphanage. I was titled as 'Child of Forest', whatever the reason for that was but I know that I was safer here then there.

I'm Salvador, but the adults called me Sal because they found it easier to say and pronounce correctly instead of saying it in full. I learned many things from this place, like it wasn't normal, but then again, that hell didn't seem normal either. They explained to me a couple of things, like that this world has supernatural things but so nonchalantly. When I tried to ask questions, they just said I'll learn and get my answers when I get to school, which was a surprise on its own. A school to learn in about powers and stuff like that?

They did tell me that powers and abilities here are called 'Powws' and not everyone has one. They said only the ones chosen by a mighty god would bare the power of one, a blessing in a way I guess. I tried asking what type of powers, but they just said that I'll learn it all in school again. What adults they are.

So I just spent my days in the orphanage alone, occasionally meeting and talking to other kids but tried to stay alone since people might have just started asking me for my experience in the hell. Some adults did try and ask me but I just said it was like being in a vivid dream and left me alone. The caretakers were a little nice, though they mainly took care of the ones younger than me so I didn't get to meet with much during my stay.

It was a pain a bit to learn that I would have to stay in the orphanage for a couple of days before being sent to school. The school had small dorms for the kids just in case they didn't have homes so I was going to have to leave the orphanage once it starts. The caretakers and what I assume were counselors of the school brought me and this other new kid to tell us about the school. They mainly said that we'll need to reserve a dorm in 2 days and get our stuff needed for the year.

The school was called 'School For Poww' and that we'll be in the Elementary level since both of us haven't figured out what our 'poww' or if we even have one. They're only blindly testing us just because we came from the forest and that we're 99% guaranteed to have a 'poww'. After explaining more about the school and again ignoring our more important questions, they let us go back to do our chores and stuff, what a pain that meeting was honestly.

I go done with my stuff, quickly doing my chores so that I can lay in my assigned bunk bed to just think of what my life here would be. A nation where people have powers, or 'powws', and that seems to be normal? What's the reason for learning our powers if it's just for normal use? Sure, I wouldn't complain if my power is like speed, imagine the many jobs and things I can do with that.

But I was shortly interrupted from my thoughts by the person who rests in the bottom of my bunk lightly tapping the bed. I move my head to the side of the bed to look down at them, surprised that for the past few days the kid sleeping beneath was actually the other new kid that came from the forest.

"Oh hey, you're the other kid that was in that meeting, right? I-I'm Cyno." He had a bit of a shaky voice with an small accent I couldn't really figure out but it was nice. He definitely was a nervous, probably thinking of the school or the hell we escaped or just nervous to talk to me.

"Yea, I'm him. I'm Salvador, but my friends call me Sal." "Doesn't the adults only know your name and call you that?" I was a bit taken back by the sudden shot at me, basically saying that I had no friends but alright. He simply laughed a bit before speaking again.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean it like that, Sal." I laughed with him a bit after that. We talked a bit about the experience we might have in the school in a few days, even bringing the idea that if the dorms have the chance of roommates and allow it, that we take up a dorm together since it'll be easier since we're both new and don't really know any other people. Cyno was a kind person, he was a bit more slender and pale than me, probably from being in there for so long but he looked to get better.

He was shorter than me, around 5'4 or as he said, about 1.62 meters. I was 5'5 or about 1.65 meters, a bit me darker skin than him but still honest pretty white unless you really look at me to see the small tint of brown. We look to be around the same age but we still don't know our exact age, he said that he was 12 while I think I'm 11. I was 11 in that forest and that was only less than a week ago so yea, that's what I think atleast. We had to get our blood tested to get more information like our exact date of birth and other stuff that I really didn't care much for.

We skipped our stories of being in that hell, not wanting to remember much of it as we dragged out our conversation. I think we talked for an hour before being called in by the caretakers for dinner. We just looked at each other and smiled before getting off the bunk bed and going to the table to eat. We talked a little more as we walk, catching some attention by the other kids that the two quiet kids that came from that hell are now friends.

Yea. Friends. I made a new friend. And I can't wait to go through this new world with him by my side and I by his side together.

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