The After Life Part 4 - Running

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I've been running for what has felt like days to no end, the soles of my feet haven't gotten blisters or cuts in them yet, but I can feel them hurting. I'm dedicated to escape this place, after seeing people getting eaten and brutally dismembered due to my weakens and bring a coward. This place is horrible, losing people you just met hours ago getting cut in half by big crabs.

So I just run, avoiding people and any chance of fighting, just running. Running until either my legs give out, until I go unconscious, until I'm taken by a monster or until I find an escape.

I tell myself that tomorrow I will wake up and see myself back in my old life, whatever that might have been, but then again, the sun never seem to set here, if it even is a sun. But doubt isn't what I need in my mind right now, just a way to leave. A sign to make my 12 year old brain happy and feel like a kid again. But how can I forget this place once I'm gone, it's just not possible after the mortifying things I've seen and experienced.

That's when I hear it.

"Lots of people in the new world." A voice of a kid that seems to be crying. "We have to go!" Another voice, a girl that's crying too but screaming. 'New world?' What does that mean? And why are these two seem to be screaming at each other. Is there a monster near by? Wait, where are they?

I ran to where I heard them speaking but found nothing. No boy and girl talking or arguing. No, they can't be arguing, the boy was crying but in some weird joy tone, the girl was crying and screaming in fear and shock. If they found a monster or new world, they'd match the same emotion for one, not have separate ones for separate things. Something is going on, and something tells me it's a monster that I need to start running from.

When I take another step, I hear a loud bird screech, it was extremely close to me, and I know it knows I'm here. I felt this feeling of just tearing my skin, to get rid of this tickling of my hairs. Black clouds or black smoke surrounding me and making me not move. But the moment I heard these loud and fast thumping of running, my nerves finally react to my mind as I fully sprint to get away, but it's so fast. I hear it screaming more, but my mind zones out to try and ignore the sound of the wind hitting me from me running.

That's when I see my only sign of escape. I first see a boulder, then when I got closer it became a hill until I finally see it fully. A mountain, a rocky one but it was new to this hell. It had what looked like a sky over it, a big yellow ball emitted light and joy to my heart. But it quickly became dread as the monster that followed me screamed again in another boy's voice, leaving me no choice but to climb the mountain. I immediately get to climbing, which was hard in it of itself but I was quick, but not quick enough as only after a minute of climbing this, did the monster made it to the base of the mountain.

Boy, was this thing ugly and terrifying. A bird with empty eyes but still seemed to look at me with what I can assume was grinning even with a break the size of me alone. I don't think of it's appearance much as I continue to climb to the top, stumbling a bit but not caring much as I'm committed to run for my life.

Just like I have in this life.

But it was strange to me, I didn't hear it following me up the mountain, even after climbing for my life for 5 minutes, almost at the top. I only hear it give another horrible screech but this time at something, or someone.

I finally reach the top, completely out of breath as I feel grass around me tickling me, looking up at the night sky that was beautiful with its many stars. A big moon that filled my pupils. The grass swaying lightly by the cool breeze. It was beautiful.

I look at the sky for minutes, not able to keep my eyes off it until I notice something ahead of me. A town or village. Maybe a city? Whatever it was, it must have had people and a new life for me. I turn around to look back, already forgetting the hell I was in as I see nothing but grass and the ground. It was gone, but I was finally free. I was free to live, make new friends, live normally hopefully or even happily.

That is if I was still dreaming of the sky, and did tomorrow really change everything and made me want it never to came.

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