School of Poww- Chapter 13

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We shook our heads as the principal asked us.

"Orphans. So you're staying in the dorms. Parental Guardian or forest?"

"F-forest, sir."

He nodded his head as he wrote more things on a piece of paper. I was jumping my leg nervously as Cyno was just looking at the principal name card. Mr. Leo. He finished writing as he handed us each a red paper.

"W-wait. W-we're not in trouble, right? Nick attack and hunted us down. I-I mean, we only acted in self-defense."

He chuckled as I was just stuttering over my words. He put on a smile while tapping something on my piece of paper. 'Detention for 3 days after school for fighting'.

"I'm sorry, Salvador. There are rules. I know Nick is a year older, so he's getting a much bigger punishment, but this was an unannounced fight with no master around to even declare it a fight of power. I'm sorry, just school rules."

I felt nervous. I don't even remember the fight or if there even was a fight. I remember only hiding being Cyno and seeing him try to punch him. After that, my mind went into a blank and then waking up to... whatever that was after the fight.

Cyno was still reading and trying to process what had happened. His eyes were wide and confused, be was trying to breath normally but seemed more like he was going to explode. I looked back up at the principal as I asked him more questions.

"Are we free to leave? I mean, what are we waiting for?"

He looked at his wristwatch. Then back at me. Having a slight annoyed face as if waiting for something.

"You're free to go in a little while. Just need to ask some people for an opinion on what to do with you two."

Cyno sat up straight in his seat. He hasn't said a single word after the fight. Heck, if I know any better, he went mute after what just happened.

And other people's opinions? On what? More determination? Suspension? Worse, expelled? I see why Cyno was scared, we've been in this office for 2 whole period now and there still is things left to do? Might as well leave this nation and start fresh in a new one.

We waited another 5 minutes before hearing the door open. We looked to see who it was and I was shocked. Cyno nudged my shoulder as he was in shock too.

It was Mr. Tyler, Mr. Hernandez, Master Sebastián and Master Tony. Mr. Tyler seemed happy and surprised to see us in such a setting already. Mr. Hernandez was as annoyed as usual. Master Sebastián as creepy as usual. But Tony seemed disturbed, like concerned as he was fidgeting a bit to see us.

"I'm so grateful that you all came. Please, lock the door, this is information that should be private."

At this point, Cyno and I didn't know what was more important. The fact 5 high and skillful people were here, Cyno's idol, the fact that we need a private talk for having a simple fight or the fact that Cyno was speechless, that one was more of my concern. Sebastián locked the door, leaving us in a talk that concerned us all.

"Why are we here? I have a lunch to have and I'm not wasting my time on Mr. Smart-pants and his side kick."

Wow, hurtful. I just hoped Mr. Hernandez called me smart-pants.

"You left your class early to hang out with the nurses in the teacher lounge." -Mr. Tyler

"Okay! I called all of you here to talk about these 2 kids, not who should be doing their jobs." -Leo

"But sir, with all due respect. This was just a another stupid, unofficial fight, with 2 first years and a second year. How can this possibly involve us 4." -Mr. Hernandez

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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