School Of Poww - Chapter 2

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Today was the day. Cyno and I were picked up by a cool looking dude that seemed to have that poww thing. He introduced us as he arrived at the orphanage for us. He was a teacher of the school and told us to call him Mr. Tyler. He came in a very amazing looking vehicle, looked futuristic in a way as it had a lightning type theme around it. Cyno was just as blown back as I was as other kids just looked jealous that they didn't get the luxury of having a poww to go to this school. But I don't think going through that hell just to have a chance at a great school is worth it.

"You kids want anything to hear while we drive there?" His car was even better inside. We sat in the back seats just blown back by the clean grey interior. "I-I don't know what songs there are here." Cyno quietly said as I was still distracted by the city that he drove by.

There didn't seem to be a lot of other cars in the road, so I tried asking as he put on some nice instrumental jams. "Can I ask you a question, Mr... uh-?" "Mr. Tyler." "Y-yea, Mr. Tyler?" He positions the little mirror in the front so that he can see me. "Of course, what is it, kid?" I look over at Cyno a bit embarrassed, but just see him admiring the streets instead before looking back at the mirror to see him. "The stress seem to be empty, why is that?" He smiles a little by my question as he stops as a stop sign.

"Well you see kid, it's pretty empty during this early morning, plus, not many people use cars here. Only famous or people who work in a place that's far get cars, so the streets are always going up be empty until the people wake up for work or stuff like that." That was simple to understand, but still a few questions came up my mind as he started driving again. I didn't want to ask him as I thought that I was being a bit annoying until hearing Cyno started to talk as well.

"H-how rare is having a poww here?" Cyno was definitely nervous of this, he asked the same question in that meeting with those counselors so I'm sure he's expecting to be turned down again. "Good question. See, powws aren't that rare as what they may seem. I'll give you a small explanation as it's a topic in my class so no free classes for you kids but I'll still tell you. Powws are gifts that were given to people who were chosen to bare powers that can make a regular human strong enough to split boulders. A way to achieve one is different at times. You either need to come from the forest, or as called here, 'The Trail of Survival', or to be born with one. If you weren't born with one, there is no other way to get one and will be a normal human for life." "How possible is it for someone to be born with one?" Cyno really is glad to finally have his questions answered and even explained to him.

"It all depends on the parents, that's all I can say to you before telling you the whole thing and give you two a free lesson." He winks before reposition the mirror back. It wasn't a big question that we need answered but it was still great to have one of our questions answered properly. Still, we asked one more before reaching the destination.

"When will our blood tested be returning?" He looked a bit surprised by the question but still gladly answering. "Oh, the tests are already tested thanks to our top nurse, you'll be given the results when you get your books and classes." "A-and our powws? Will the results tell us what we have?" Cyno shyly asked as Mr. Tyler laughed a bit. "No, powws are unlocked and found to be in the brain of someone. It's a more spirituality or soul thing so the only way to unlock it is by randomly using it. But don't worry, this first semester will be learning things while the second will be about training it with your group." "Group?" He chuckled at my question before taking another turn left, being met with the massive school. "I guess I explained too far. No matter though, we're here now, welcome to 'The School of Poww'."


The school looked amazing as he parked in front of it. It a big building in the middle with a logo of the nation flag. It had many other buildings attached to it with a huge field and other outside courts. Cyno looked at it amazed and see take in the details of this place. Mr. Tyler simply laughed by our gaze. "That's the exact reaction everone has when they see it. Honestly don't play you kids, this place still amazes me to this day." Cyno and I looked at each other, realizing that this will be our new life and it's honestly amazing.

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