School Of Poww - Chapter 4

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The apartment wasn't big but it was enough for the both of us. It had a walkway with like 3 rooms to the side, one being a bathroom and 2 empty rooms. At the end of it, there was a kitchen/living room with a small tv with a couch, then behind the couch was a table with 4 seats. I find it weird that a dorm for 1 needed 4 seat but whatever. On the other side, on the right side in the end of the walkway was the bedroom. There wasn't much in there, side from 1 bed and a nightstand with a closet in front of the bed on the wall. It matched the dorm's colors of white walls and black floor,  with a nice carpet floor.

Sal and I see our books on the table in the living room and just stood silent for the time. It was still barely 9 in the morning. The time we woke up to wait for Mr. Tyler was at 6am, he picked us up at 7am. We reached the school 10 minutes after that and then the tour was about an hour long. So we've been the dorm for about 30 minutes now and we're still silent. I'm pretty sure Sal's thinking of how fast things are going and the so many questions he has and want answered.

While I'm thinking of him. Thinking of what Ms. Case said and the suppressants she made him get. I need to stop thinking of this, I know Sal is a good person. He's probably just scared and that's what she's sensing from him. Also, it's weird to think to make a kid weaker just because he's too powerful.

Wait, is Sal powerful? I mean, he never seemed to me as the strong type. Sure, he's definitely stronger than me in my skinny state. He's skinny too but he still got bigger arms than me and all. But then his poww? He doesn't show anything supernatural at all. Even if he did unlock his, how am I supposed to know what he has. I couldn't figure out Chad's, Ms. Case's or Sebastián's. Sally told me that it helped people but I don't know how she does it or uses it. Mr. Tyler is the only one that gave me a hint, his car has lightning bolts and thunder clouds. I haven't unlocked mine yet, or so I think I haven't.

I was sitting on the couch thinking of all this as I hear Sal making noises behind me. I look over to him to see him reading his blood results. I completely forgot that we had them. He looked up from his paper and just gave me a weird smile.

"You going to read yours?" "Yea, just give me a minute." I got up from the couch and walked over to the table to him. I found my results and started reading it, hearing him reading his in a mumbled voice under his breath. He always seemed to be humming or trying to read it out loud everytime he reads.

Blood results wasn't exactly as you'd think. It showed substances in my blood but that seemed to be less important as it was in the back of the page, but the front had more important details. It was more like a multiple tests. It had things I knew like name and picture of me. But it told me more important things too. Like my date of birth, finally something is telling me.

I was born on March 21st, 252. So I was 12 years and almost 5 months. My blood type is O-, and I didn't seem to have any disorder. My poww was unknown, and that was basically it for me.

I looked over at Sal and he looked at me. I can tell he didn't really care about the results that much as we just switched papers.

Salvador was born in January 24th, 252, which meant he was older than me. Which confused me because I remember him saying that he was 11 but now turns out he was older than me? Maybe he has a bad memory. He has AB+ blood and had no disorders either. Honestly, I don't see why Sally said that people freaked out when they read theirs, ours was normal. Sal had his poww as unknown too so there wasn't much help in it.

"We should maybe renovate the bedroom a bit. You know, like two beds and maybe put things we like in there." "Sounds great but how do we do that if we don't got money? Doubt we'll be any great finding a job that works in our school hours." It was true. In the little pamphlet they gave us it said that first years had to find a job that works with school hours. Books, dorms, medicine and other things were free for their first year or first use, meaning that we'd need to find a job if we want to keep having a dorm or even continue doing school. We could be lucky and be funded by the school charities they do, but that can be too much of a risk.

Honestly not a bad policy but it is pretty hard if they know that finding jobs were difficult. But then there was also a second opinion for lots things. Sally already told us but it was basically work for them in forms of helping out staff and the school. Books, medicine and organizing club events fall under the category while school had to be paid for along side the dorms. We had the first year pamphlet so we didn't learn much about missions and masters,  so many of my questions weren't answered. It did talk about the 'Guardians' in a the back, explaining how these have been the heros of our nation and that they were blessed by the gods with powws that were strong enough to keep us safe.

The first was called... well First Guardian. He has the poww of 'pure'. That didn't explain much as he didn't even have a photo. He died in the year 132, living for 149 years before dying, living in the the era called 'The Age of Destruction and War'. Then there was the Second Guardian. He was more interesting as he was more mysterious but with more detail. Living in the same era as the first but dying sooner then him in between the years 120-124. No photo again but had his poww as 'matter'. Matter? Like gas, solid and liquid? It was more confusing then pure honestly. They were described as the two strongest humans, powers and abilities of that to gods and were the biggest rivals, said to keep peace with other nations and even destroy the planet itself. Obviously it was an over exaggeration. No way someone is that strong.

The next 3 had more information. The Third Guardian was called David, he had the poww of bubbles. Not like soap and watter, but like full on force fields of protection. He was chosen to be Guardian after the Second was found dead, still living at an impressive 150 years old, the oldest Guardian alive. He was involved in the 2nd and 3rd 'Poww Wars', leading us to victory in both wars along side the Forth in the 3rd War. The Forth was born in 138, now 126 years of age is told to be the smartest Guardian yet, being the main strategist of the 3rd War. His poww is fire, considered a rare but not much powerful poww, but he still managed to become a Guardian. Both the Third and Forth are retired Guardians but still help out run things with the Fifth.

The Fifth is the current Guardian, the most famous one and is said to be a prodigy. He is barely 20 years old but is "massively stronger" then the others before him. His poww is called illusions, and it seems to be strong by the way it was described. He fought in the 3rd War, meaning that it was probably really recent. He was a master as that time but became Guardian after showing his bravery and strength. He seemed cool but he didn't look all that great in the picture.

What did we learn? Well, Guardians are the nations protectors and run the place. They seem to be the strongest. Powws now seem to not only be just physical abilities or physical things. Making fire and bubble seem to be physically made, then there's illusions so powws can't only be physical. But then what can 'pure' and 'matter' be?

Plus, if powws can be basically anything, how does one even find it? And even then, what can be Sal's? It doesn't need to be physical, so he can have like the poww to have like night vision or anything really. But then thinking back to what Ms. Case said, it must be strong and powerful... or atleast it can?

I don't know, then the thought that the First and Second can destroy planets? That can't be possible, right? There were answers, but they only led to more questions.

Then that begs another question.

What can my poww be?


After reading the whole pamphlet and convincing Sal to take his 'medicine', we decide to go out to try and find food or something. Maybe a restaurant? We noticed that Sally gave us a card and note saying 'take this as something you'll pay me back in the future ;)'. She was nice. Apparently kids like us, 'Children of Forest', aren't common, so maybe she was being nice to us and giving us an easy time.

Sal tried to push the idea that I might have liked her, which I just blushed and told him to stop saying things like that as he just laughed. It was now 4pm by the time we decided to go find food.

We used the card carefully over the few days as we just talked, read the books to try and study for the semester ahead of time and just had a good time.

And yes, he chose to sleep in the couch while I took the bed.

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