The Meet And Greet (Fluff)

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A fan meet up in 2007. Oh god! It was so exciting...I got to meet the band and take a picture with them!! I was so happy... I grabbed my 'schrei so laut du kannst' CD and my 'Scream' CD. I was wearing some flared jeans with a tokio hotel shirt, a black jacket and to top ig off with a black spiky belt. I got into my car and I drive to this meet and greet (very excited obviously)

As I got to the carpark I parked my car and I ran out into the line. It wasn't that long yet so thank god for that... I take a deep vrwath and I squeal waiting to meet the tokio hotel. I take a deep breath to calm myself down until I get a text. Hey that means my mum topped up my money on my phone! I read the message and it's jy friend! "I'll be there jn a minute!" The message said and I was shocked on how she knew I was at the meet and greet. Before I could message her back she said. "Ya ik ur at the meet nd greet XD" god she's known me for years...

A few minutes later my friend Alyssia arrived and I cheer. "ALY!" I cheered the she cheered back. "SAM!" I rolled my eyes and I make abit of room so she can cut in the line. "Hiya girl!" Alyssia giggled and I giggled. "Hiii!!!! Thank god you came!" I smiled and then Aly nudged me slightly "obviously I would of came!!!" She giggled and the line started to die down.

After 15 minutes of waiting it was out turn next...I squeal and I see them...I see Bill the hedgehog. Tom the mop. Gustav ghe nerd and Georg soy Dora. After that person got their things signed it was mine and Alys turn. Aly goes first the cheeky bugger but then me and I squeal again.

I go to Bill first since he was the first one in my sight. "Hii!" He smiled. Hid soft sweet german accent always gets me. "Hi Bill!" I smile and I give him my two CDs i saved all my money on to him for him to sign. He signed then and I blushed. He pasted then back and I wave then I go to Tom and I smile. "Hi Tom!!!" I giggle and he waved at me as I gave him the CDs to sign. He took the CDs and he signed them and as he gave me them back he touched my hand...AHHH HE TOUCHED JY HAND!!!! "Thank you!!!!" I giggled and the I go to Gustav and I give him the CDs to sign...oh god his lovely blonde fluffy soft... he signed my CDs and he smiled at me. "Thank you GUS!" I smile and he nodded and then I went to Georg. "Hallo!" He smiled at me...his accent always gets me..."Hi!!!" I smile and I have him the CDs and he signed them. After he gave me back the CDs he touched me on my shoulder and he winked at me. "Thank you Georg!!!" I smile then I run to Aly blushing hard.

"TOM AND GEORG TOUCHED ME!!!!" I squeal and Aly looked shocked "no fucking way!" She said and I nodded. "Whatever!!!! I'm not jelly!" She scoffed and I raised an eyebrow. "SUREEEE!!!" I laugh then she rolled her eyes. "SHUT up! Anyway let's go home" she sighed and I nodded. "Alright... let's go!" I smile and we went in my car and we drove to my house.


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