Chapter 6- The dark mansion

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"Ugh hmm" my body feels so refreshed. Ow? We're in a clean rroom now... I think they brought at us back-

"Kiyaaaa!!!" I recalled what happened yesterday!

"Hey what the heck are you screaming in a fucking morning?" Jena said while wiping her eyes. They just woke up too... I guess.

"I'm sorry, I just have a nightmare"

"Nightmare my ass, you're sleeping soundly like a baby all night" She said and I can help but to feel shy- my gosh? why I'm wearing a fancy white longsleeve-

"Hhmpp!!" I hid under my blankets when I recognized the smell of the clothe. It smells fresh woods and Professor.

My face suddenly feels hot and there's a wierd feelings tingling my stomach. I'm shy.... I even yelled at him when I'm half asleep!!

"Hey come out now, they brought us our breakfast"

Miya pulled off my blanket that made my legs exposed.I only had panties underneat but the longsleeve is quite long and covered my private part.

"Wow sexy" Jena started to tease me and so the others. I can't do anything but to laughed with them since it's the first time having a normal conversation with my peers without being bullied.

They gave each one of us a bed table filled with meat, vegies and bread. Wow!! Feast!!

"They said from now on the four of us can eat every meals for free as a reward for killing Imoogi and Drakes hehehe not bad right? we don't have to worry about foods" Miya said and I agreed.

So it means from now on I can eat as much as I can in the canteen! Wow very nice!

We happily ate like moron peasants since we all had the same circumtances. The three of them can't afford meals like me so we had same feeling now. Yhe feeling of salvation hehehe.

After eating, the instructors checked our conditions and also asked what happened. Jena summarized the story excluding about my blood and the treasures. Fortunately the bought our lies.

We got the highest score in our activity and it fine to get discharge now since our woulds are already healed. Fortunately it's weekend and we don't have classes- oh! My job! I forgotten about my job!!!

"Guyss I'll head home first see you in monday" I said while quickly wearing my boots on.

"We're are you going?" Jena asked.

"I'm a part timer! I'm late! I'll had to go now!!!" I said and run as fasts as I could. It's already seven in the morning and I still have thirty minutes before the call time. Sir will be mad if I got late in my second day too.

I heard Jena's screaming something but I can't understand her so just continue running.

My Gosh I'm tired already!!!

After fifteen minutes I arrived in the mansion. Imagine I'm gonna do it everyday, well it's fine cause I can train my stamita but for now it's too much for me.

Anyway, I went inside and as expected, it's dark cause the curtain is close as well as the door and windows. What kind of gloomy taste does he had? He's shining like the sun in the school but gloomy like ghost at home.

"Sir I home... Can I open the windows?" I sincerely asked but It feels like I'm talking in the furnitures.

No response so it mean he's not here. He won't be mad if I slightly open the window ri-

"Kiyyaaa!!!" I'm so statled of a sudden wind and got tripped my own foot!!


I fell down but the ground is soft? What is it ? I touched it and it soft- hmm? There's a hard thing poked my buttom? It feels weird..

"Foam mechanism? In the ground?"

"Whe does he had to turn off the lights everytime...what a strange taste?-

"Who?" A voice came in front of my face and the lights finally on.

"P-professor?!" My soul almost left my body cause it's actually Sir is the foam I mean the soft thing in the ground!

"Sorry akk!!!" I was about to get off from him but my hair was trangled in his button! Oh God are you excited to get me killed?

"Calm down, give it to me" he said and start undoing my trangled hair. But why does my face feels hot? I'm really nervous now. He's so quiet and serious, I can smell him closer and just like the forest, his scent is very relaxing.


Our eyes met and the strange sensation in tingling my stomach is again.

"G-good morning Sir I'm sorry for the troubles I caused" I said and he get up then stare at me. W-why?

"Hmm it's fine, go prepare yourself cause you'll be busy later" he said and went upstair. Wow thank god he's not mad!

Just I thought, he's very considerate and kind unlike what others thought of him. The healer mentioned earlier when checking my body that he personally watch over me during my treatment... I kinda feel happy about that.

I head in my room to take a quick bath but- I'm screwed! I forgotten to wear my own clothes! So all this time I've walking outside with Sir's clothes! I'm so embarrassed now! I want to dig a hole here ang hide myself forever but Sir is waiting in the office.

I took a quick shower then wear a proper indoor clothes. Sir mention that I don't have to wear outdoor clothes when I just here at home so I free to wear anything. I put on my white dress and cardigan since it's spaghetti strap dress. Simple clothes only since I don't realy have fancy clothes because I sold them all when I run out of money.

I'll just wear my indoor sleepers and tadah I'm done. I head to his office and the door is already open so I just knocked twice and came in.

"Oh you're here"

Wow he's dazling with his hair loose. He usually tied up his long hair during class hours but now that I saw this side of him I think it's more attractive than usual.

"Come seat here, watch carefully cause I won't explain twice" He said and I quickly sat next to him.

He explain how to solve some equations and thank god I could understand it quickly. Learning is really enjoyable specially if it's a new knowlegde for me. The equation is quite hard but easy once you get it and Sir is really good on explaining so it easier to understand. After half an hour, the discussions are finaly done.

"What do you think?"

"I get it Sir" I said and he smiled. Wow he also knew how to smile! It will be nice if he smile often so that people won't call him Iceberg anymore.

"Nice, do you see that?"

He asked while looking at the table filled with a mountain of papers... I have a bad feeling about this.

"..yes Sir?" I said and he smirk.

"Check each paper, make sure to do it properly, after checking the equations please correct all the misspelled words, underline the gramatically errors and write the right words above the original work. And lastly finish then today" he said and move to his swivel chair. I can't even complain since I'm just starting..

I had no choice but to finish them today , I don't want to dissapoint him so I'll my bess! Go Zed! Show him what you're good at.

To be continued...

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