Chapter 11- Full moon curse 1

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It's been two weeks since Zedayah moved here. She's been doing well and exceeded my expectations. She's doing everything I asked even though I'm asking her to do useless potions.

"What's that?" I asked because she's making a strange potion now.

"Ah pain killer Sir"

"Hmm are you hurt?" I asked and she nodded.

"My body feels stiff for walking two kilometers everyday back and forth" She said and hand me the potion.

"Sir please test it if it's good or not" Why does it seems like I became a potion and poison tester now huh? I tasted it and it's tastes like strawberry- hmm I think it's a success.

"It's good, Grade A potion"

"Yehey! Hehehe thank you Sir" She said and happily put the potion into a big jar. Hmm whatever, It's not like I want to meddle with her business but...

"Hmm If you feel sick please feel free to tell me so I could help you" I said and she nodded.

Pat ..

I patted her head before I realized myself. She realising a deppressing pheremones just now but it went away when I patted her head. She smells like her original scent now, a flowers and woods. Maybe that why she like my scent since we had similarities.

"Ah by the way, I had annoying visitors tommorow 'till sunday so please stay in your dorm during weekends. Play with your friends and don't come here, do you understand?" I asked and she happily nodded. She might want to hung out with her friends too.

"Okay Sir, see you in monday then"

"Very well" But I won't go to school in monday cause it's the last day of full moon.


After dinner we get back on our own room. Tomorrow the full moon will rise and my vampiric blood will awaken again. I really hate my breed but I can't do something since I already have it on my blood.

My mother was just a normal Red Dragon but when I was in her womb hundred years ago there was a territorial war with the vampire. They eradicated them but my mom was bitten by Dracula before he died so my mom became a crossbreed Vimpiric Dragon and I inherited that filty blood in my veins. I'm still looking for the way to kill it so I don't have to go bersek every full moon.

Only my kin knew about this fact since my appearance is more likely an elf rather than a vampire and dragon others don't suspects me. When the it's full moon I barely remember what I become but I'm sure that I had a fang and red eyes like when my mother.

I became a blood sucker monster every full moon but I made a blood remedy so I don't have to suck a real blood. It's like a real human blood but very awful... Just like the well done steak  made by Zedayah.

Zedayah said she'll leave early morning so I don't have to worry about my surrounding. Fortunately she listen well to me.

In the next day I woke up late as expected since my body's preparing for my morph. I went to the kitchen and there's a food prepared on the table.

Heh she really like to cook foods every morning. The foods are still warm so it means she just left a moment ago. She might be at school now- ow?! Our connection is gone?

I mean the bond of our contract is gone. My magic is weakenig every full moon since my Vampire blood is very active now. I haven't morph yet but I can already tell how stiff my body now.

She might with her friends now cause she doesn't have anywhere to go anyway. I ate my breakfast and it getting better than her previous meals. She'll be a good wife later, I'll make sure to introduce her to a good man.

She'll be decieved with her naive personality if I'll just let her be. I will make sure that she will never meet Brixton or else she might become a victim of that womanizer brat.

While looking around here I realized that my house is pretty quiet when she's not here. Maybe I'm getting used living with her. I even bought flower pots for her since she likes planting weeds in the garden. Instead of planting some beautiful flowers like a normal lady she rather cultivating herbal and poisonus plans. She's realy unique that made her shine on her own.

I also renovated the fountain into a fish pond because she likes fish and she mentioned that she wants a fresh fish so I made it come true.

She's like my apperentice now and doing this much is not that bad. I should give her extra income since she's doing the house chores too. Cooking, cleaning and even gardening , she's like an all'rounder employee. There will be a ball in the end of the first semester and she needs a ball gown I think should give her one as a reward since she deserved it.

I locked myself in my room after eating. I started activating the barrier so I won't be able to get out of this mansion while I'm not in myself. That's the reason why I chose this house, it's my grandmother's old house and it had a mechanism to put a barrier on it's own if I activated it. Even I, myself, can't destroy it.

..few hours later...

I fe asleep earlier and woke up because I can smell blood around here. It's already dark outside but the full moon isn't up yet. There's still twenty minutes before the full moon but my senses are getting strong and my body's getting hot. I removed my shirt so at least I could breath properly, fuck this damn blood.

I'm tirsty so I went downstair to get blood in the labolatory-

"Hngk!!"  hmm? W-what's that noise?

Zedayah? Why are you here?! She's sitting on the floor with a dagger on her hand but she sleeping..

"Hey kiddo- what's wrong?" I asked her while shaking her- she's burning in fever! Does it because of my pheromones? My body's releasing a heavy amount of pheromones and I can't control it. Tsk! Humans can't tolerate this much hays! I was about to carry her while it's not late but she suddenly woke up.

"Sir..I'm sorry hic hic hic I didn't left the house cause I drank my pain killer but It's not working on me hic hic hic I collapes then just woke up" she said and I don't have time to scold her so I just carry her and brought her back in her room.

"Hey listen don't ever open your door even I asked you to. Do you understand?" I lay her down on her bed  but she keep crying my goodness, my nails are growing now, the full-

"Ahkkk!!! Ahhh it hurts!!" she screaming while pressing on her chest..wait.. My pheromonse suppossed to arouse her but why she's in pain now? Is it because of me? Or she had her own circumtances?

"What's wrong?" I asked her but she bit her blancket and started agonizing on her own. What should I do? I can't go out to asked for the healers since I'm already morphing..

"Sir ..." she saying something so I help her sat down- akk!! Tsk! my body is burning too! The full moon is up, I need to go now but how could I leave her like this?

"Hey listen- hey! What are you doing!" I sobber up a little cause she brought a dagger and was about to cut her wrist but I grab her both hands- what the hell? She had a lot of old scars on her she commiting suicide- ahkk!!! Why does she... In a same damn night..

To be continued..

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