Moody nanny-Landon

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Now,now,now.I'm moody...
They will get married I knew it,I  was fine with it.Fine,but what?They will come and live with us?She'll come in my school?I will be a nanny?The fuck I will.And this little girl I could smack with just a hand plays a joke with me?
Haha I didn't know some had that much nerve.But of course what did I exept?

If I will be dragged into hell of course I will take the person who I see.

"Hmm...why are so quiet now?"I smirk.
"Don't call me that."She demands.Oh,we have bossy around.
Too bad I don't play fair.
"What little sister?"I don't leave the chance to flatter the words.
She narrows her black eyes on me and takes the plates then leaves walks out.

My phone rings.
Cole sent me a picture?
I open the snap.Oh the hell?Now I'm dead!He went to he party that lier and here I thought he didn't like them.Oh man it's good.I could've been there.But no I here playing happy little family.Ugh..Maybe if I should've put sadder face infront of grandma
and I could've stayed.

Fucking fuck.

"Won't you help or you are going to just sit there?"I see her,her hands on her hips glaring at me.

Yeah she doesn't like me.That's strange.
"You don't like me."I say feeling my smile grow.
"Ahh!"She dramatically closed her mouth as I chuckled.
"How did you find out smarty?"

Smarty?She isn't really good with the annoying words.And she noticed my confusing face.
"I have never talked bad so what posh boy?"She asks anoyed.
"Posh boy is good."I say.
"Most of the girls like me.Why don't you like me?"
She laughs.
"Have you ever met yourself?"
"I'm handsome, funny,hot,rich.Yeah what do you want more?"
"Yeah your britsh likes, japanese are smarter than that."She crosses her arms.
"You say?"I raise my eyebrows
"I take that as a challenge!"I go down and sit.
"Don't you have pillows or what?My butt died sitting here."I looked around.
"No."She takes another plate and goes.
I have feeling she's playing with me for sure.

Should I just order?
Oh yeah I forgot for the party.
I call Cole.
Come on, come on.
"Aren't you in historical museum?"He asks.
"Yeah I'm but my folk and the girls went out."
"Were are you?"He asks.
Ugh this guy.
"Bro!In Japan meeting with future step mom and step little sister."I snap.
"This guy.."I hear him sighs.
"Then why did you tell you're going to historical museum?"

"Cause I feel like so boring.I feel like taking those chopsticks and take my eyes with it,though I'd never  giving the fact all the girls would die cause of me."I laugh.
"You dick!"I went on.
"You went to the party!How dare you!Giving the bullshit you don't want blah blah..."
"I didn't want to but Niko dragged me.He's like your fucking copy."
The fuck he is!No one can be like me. Especially Niko.

"Like fuck he's."
"I will come tomorrow have new I will take not so nice gifts with me."I sigh.
"What did you mean?Don't tell me you will bring girls again?Your father will cut you off this time."
"First no.Secind this is good idea.And third nope he won't be able to especially now cince his girlfriend and her daughter will came with us."

"God help them both cause I know you."I hear his laugh.
"Nah,cus I'd never."I laugh.
I see her coming again.
"Mmkay buy."I hang up.
I look at her.
"How do you people have fun here?Wanna play with me?"I ask grinning.
She doesn't answer.
"Hello earth to Mars!Can you hear me?"
She takes the last ones and walks out.
She's ignoring me?
What does she wants to make herself unapproached or what?
"Fine I will leave and have my fun anyway!"I shout standing.

"Ah,fuck my butt..."

I walk out putting my shoes on.I watch the other people most of them old so I leave and walk just straight up as I see shops, strange houses, strange houses again, trees, what was the name of this town, I forgot the name.As I see a girl siting on a stairs staring at me.I smirk.
"Hi..."She stands waving me to come now that's something.
"Hi."I say brushing her skin.Shw went red before I could blink.
"What's your name?You're new here aren't you?"She asks and I kiss her.
She got surprised but didn't pull away.I went dipper kissing her her more and more putting my tong in and out as I lift her holding her from her hips and laying at the wall as she stroke my hair.
I went to her neck kissing and bitting her as she moaned.I wen for her hard nipplels.I bite them through the fabric.

Atleast she has boobs unlike someone.

I continue to kiss her thinking of having her right here but my phone doesn't stop ringing.Dammit.
I put her down as I see post of the parties,the pills and other shits.Should I make a party here too?

"Landon!"What the?Mio?Am the nanny from even now?
"Are you Landon?"The other asks but I walk away putting me hands in my pockets.
"Wait,wait,wait!"She holds to my arm.
"I don't care if she's your girlfriend wanna continue?"She gives me slutly smile.

Should I ?

"Landon you posh boy!"

I grin.

"We'll see."I cock my eyebrow and walk to Mio's voice.
I walk around the corner walking straight and going left buming into navy blue thing.
"Hi there little sister."I grin as she jerks me off.
"Mom called they will come and your father will take you."She simply told me.
"And you care because?"I cock my eyebrow.
"Because they left you with me wich made me clearly the grown up and mature one here."She crossed her arms as she walked.I walked after her.
The mature on?Does she realize that she's three years younger than me?
Does she have short memory or what?

"You won't ask what I was doing there?"I grinned.
"It's not my business,I don't see why should I butt in."Hats of to her.
"Good."I hold her by her arm turning her to me looking in her eyes as my eyes darkened."Don't mess in my business.I won't play your brother nor your nanny nor your family.Get that straight."She glares at me as she jerks me off."Jerk!"She hisses as she walks away.I put my hands I my hair styling it and wait a couple of minutes then out my hands in my pockets and walk after her.


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