Lock your heart and door.-Landon/Mio

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"This is unbelievable!"Alice yelled for no clue how long.I was trying so hard to not laugh.Eveeuthinh went perfect seriously,it's not like I doubt myself but it was just too sweet.Especially the gif fall for Jack at the end.It was too damn funny they deserved it.They can't decided to go after Mio and expect me to do nothing.They had it coming the moment they laid eyes on her. The pig's blood was definitely the best thing ouf of this.The problem was I couldn't just take so much human blood then ,they would start asking stupid  questions.

The old man sighed and looked over the sofa where I sat with Andreas and Britney then looked at his wife and Mio on the other one.Mio was next to her mother but it was clear as day she was zooming out of the conversation we had maked.She looks good...cute.
She looks cute.Now that those two are finally out I can't start with second step called Mio.
"Kids you go up we the adults  need to talk."Mio's  mother patted her arm and nodded at her smiling.

I noticed whatever happens this women keeps smiling at her daughter. Must feel nice,having a normal mother.
Briar and Jasper,Britney's parents gived me a look.Shitty one.The same with Dennis and Kevin ,the other bitches's parents.
They thought it was me,they were right and here I though they were just lambs.
"Exept you Landon.You stay here."
I sighed.I shrugged.
"I feel the blood throwing on me.Ops!"I slaped my mouth and opened my eyes wild."Too early for the black humor!"
They all sighed expect Andreas who tried to hide his chuckle coughing,Britney kept poker face,Mio's mother ,Alice who was looking  at everyone's expressions and

But then Britney stood with Andreas and Mio walked after them her eyes locking with mine.
"Go look after them,darling and please see if Mio is okay and apologies  to her from my name."She put her hand on his shoulder.
"Don't be like this.We're family everything will be okay."She smiled at him and walked up.

Yesterday I couldn't talk to her alone,I felt being war he'd by literally every fucker i could think of.Its like they made their mission to  not let me have a moment with her and now all morning  and lunch,I looked at me phone it goes past 4 p.m.But I'll make sure to have the night.
"Now..."The old man sat  accrosed me ,mansprading looking directly at me.
"What do you know about the  yesterday's fiasco."No it wasn't a question.He was demanding that from me with cold voice he was using to threaten the  people at his big ass company he likes to call.He always did that.
But guess what fucker, I'm not worker there.
"Hmm..."I crossed my legs.
"Let's see...I heard Jacks and Lily made a guy angry with their bad behavior and you know how that goes giving the fact all of you made it your mission to show us how bad behavior is punished.But now we can't can't that infront of my step mommy and step little sis."

"He did it!"Kevin stood up cleaning his fists.
"He made my daughter's sixteen birthday, hell!"Japser backed him.
I laughed.
"No 'cus  like literally "hell"
"Sit."The old man's voice demanded coldly but firmly but he didn't turn,he didn't glance he kept looking at me.
When fucking Jasper and Kevin sat I looked at Alice who was still watching the show ,not putting end to it,like always .She must have her fun first.

I smile.
"I didn't  do it."I lied looking at Kevin.
"Just so you know Kev..."I mocked.
"Your bitchy son has many guys coming for him,can't stop his fuiking mouth."
"Landon!"Dennis stepped,finally not looking down.
"First I. shocked I always thought you were mute and second do not interpute me.Now I was saying about your bitchy son and oh let me not forget your daughter who can't pull stop to her hole,I mean role..."I laugh.
"And nasty mouth."When I finally made all of them red as tomato Alice spoke."So you dint do it."
"Unfortunately.Whoever that was he was smart and wise bastrad."
"Or bitch."

"We can't leave things like this."She took her iPad .All of them were quite. And like he dictator she's I knew she'd start to order around.
"You  too go to your own house and look after the two stupid grandchildren of mine.You two are free to do whatever you want just keep the other two off of trouble.I don't want them end in the press too."
She looked at the old man and sighed.
"I need you in  York.Thia went out of hand."
"I know,I'll talk to  Aiko."
"No I want only youw itgout your wife.
"I'll go with my wife or I won't."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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