What's more cooler?-Mio

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This shouldn't be be a big  problem.No .This shouldn't be problem at all.
And here I am.Mom and Jonathan talking through it for their honeymoon with his mother butting in.Again.She butted in so much during the preparation for the wedding like it was her own.
And now that.

Aiko Asher.

This still hits me.We are with different last names right now.
I don't know why does that bother me but I know it does.I'm not even sure right now.

I see Britney sitting on the sofa next to me with crossed arms.
Oh yeah she and that guy.Cole.They seemed to have history together.Wasn't she fifteen?He must be seventeen like Landon though it's not illegal both of them are teenagers,evereyone I know are teenagers, except me.

I'm tired.Of all of this.
"Is that Landon's jacket on you?"She asks looking at me.
"Yes I got cold."
I turned hoping she didn't get something from me.
"Huh,I literally begged him to give it to me cause it was kina cold."
Now that's strange.She is talking to me.Twice for a day.

"His father made him,actually."
She chuckled and I looked at her.
"What?"I asked confused.
"You-No actually nothing.It's not my place to butt in.Plus as Asher I'd like to but not for tonight."She sighed.I didn't undrastand that she noticed that too I think but didn't explain to me.I wanted to ask if it's because of Cole but like she said it wouldn't be my place to butt in.

"I just think we shouldn't.We even had wedding it's fine."Mom begins.
I spot Landon's eyes sitting the other room with the boys and Lily laughing at something on his phone.
I look away.About that staring thing with him at their wedding was,ah...it was...a mistake. For sure it must be.It was wrong.
"Why not?You know this is tradition."
"I think Aiko is right."
What?All of us are too stunned to speak as we watch  Alice .
"Young teenagers shouldn't be left alone."She spites the words like she chocked on them.
What?Is she for real right now?How can she even say it that's just so wrong.
"Uuuhh."I hear Britney.
"Come again please?"Mom crosses her hands looking at her.
No one breathes except Landon looking bored.
"Mother."Jonathan says.
"I'm just saying,you know how teenagers these days they and their hormones are and being alone might  come with problems..."

Hah.Is she serious right now?She thinks of me like this?Like I could go that?And how can she said sure she might think about it but to say infront of evereyone?

Mom scoffs but not nice.
"Mother."Even I feel Jonathan's harsh tone.Bit she deserves it.Everyone knows that.
"I think it's time for you to go.All of you."He looks at his brother's as they nodded and stand.
"You're kicking us out?"
"I want alone time with my wife and our kids,sure you understand."
She walks away angrily taking her Luis Vinton back.
"Have fun."Britney whispers smirking as I narrow my eyes on her.As she walks away Liky waves and smiles I wave back ,leaving the four of us.

"I'm really sorry for that,Aiko."Jonathan sighs but mom walks to me and sits next to me.
"Did that bother you?''She asked hugging me.
Yes but not  because she said it but beacuse she thinks of me like this.It's not like what she said it's right anyways.
"No.Not really."I hugged her back.
She patted my head kissing my forehead.
I smile."You should go."I don't want her to go.I don't want her away from me.I don't want her leaving me behind.I don't want to be alone here.I don't want to be alone with Landon here.I sighed. I want her  to be happy.

"Mio..."She starts worried.She doesn't think what Alice might be right,she doesn't even want to think that but there is hint of worries in her brown eyes.I'm not sure if that helps.
"You should,that's tradition and it's only for a week.Buy me manga from Greece."I heard them talking of how they want to go to Greece.
She smiled.
"Are you sure?"She asked again as I spotted Jonathan smiling at me.
"For sure."
"Don't worry Aiko.I'll take care of her.I promise."Landon came looking so serious that for a moment I thought it wasn't him.
Mom stood up and patted him on his shoulder.
"Please do so."She smiles.
"I'll go take our things.Come and help me Landon. "Jonathan smiles.
Hee goes with  his father upstairs.She sat again next to me.I'm not sure about Jonathan.He masked his feelings so well I couldn't read anything.Even if he was worried he didn't show it.

"I won't lie I will miss you but I'm happy for you."I say smiling.Should I be worried for that?I don't want mom unhappy.
"I know."She patted my head as her phone rang.
"Yamaki."We both said.
"Foryou is  aunt Yamaki."She pointed out  as we laughed and stands going to the window.

A week.Whole week I'll be alone with him.With Landon.I don't know what to do or what to think.I know this is not a good decision but I can't help and wonder how it will go.I'm sacred too.He's big guy and very mean when we're just the two uf us but that guy...at the pool party...it was a beast.
Uncontrolled beast,like a snake,sly and poisonous on.The problem is that,that shouldn't exicte me and yet it does.I'm worried to say it out loud.

It would be different if I was in Japan.
I would sit outside looking at the beautiful pink bloomed flowers,the sun all shining and big.Gosh I miss it.
I really miss it.London might be richy and all but Japan just hits different,it's difficult to think otherwise.

"We're ready."Jonathan said handing the stuff to mans that just walken in.
They took them as they walked out.
"Yeah,okay I'll call you."Mom said hanging up and walked to him as I stood and also walked to him.
"Everything is ready."He looked almost nervous as if Jonathan Asher can get nervous.Mom smiled and patted my head.
"If there is something you call always call me or the others.Okay?"Mom made me to write everyone's number in case there is something I've never wanted it but she thought it could be helpful I didn't argue as always.
Jonathan gived me his hand and I shaked it with polite smile.
"I gived Landon money for you guys if you want something you can use his card and like your mother said call if there is something.And Mio,thanks."His gaze warmed.
"No need."I nodded and looked at Landon who was awfully still.His father hit him slightly on the shoulder.
"Don't forget what we've talked."It's like his voice switched automatically but that didn't bother Landon I think as he shrugged away from him with the same fake polite smile he give the first time we met.
The first time we met.

"Okay then.Let us accompany you till going outside."Landon spoke and walked outside.It was already dark and when we said or goodbyes as they stepped in the car and drove the two of us were standing out,like waiting for the other to say, I don't even know what.

I met eyes with Landon.
I wasn't sure what was cooler his blue eyes on me or the air hitting my neck.Yeah,maybe thats why all my neck hairs stood up.Yes beacuse of that.Not beacuse of the way how he looks at me or every time his mouth twists or how he plays with his smirk and grin.It's all beacuse of the cool air but next words that made me freeze not beacuse of the wetter  were unpredictable .

"You look good in my coat,little japanese ."


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