The fine art of bullshit-Mio

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I must be out of my mind to be calm after he said that.And whathever went I would like to go too just to not stay here."Don't mind him.He loves joking around."Jonathan smiled.
"It's fine."Mom said smiling.
"Where is he going?"
Jonathan smiled.
"He has some homework to do with his friends."
Such a lie.I'm sure.
Another people came in with two girls around my age giving the fact they are dressed like fashion models they are the relatives.

"This is Aiko Hirori and this is her daughter Mio Hirori."Jonathan introduced us.
The grandmother nodded and gived her hand.Mom shaked it with big smile but I didn't see even a tiny smile on her face.But she was pretty
With short dark brown hair,green eyes dressed in along black skirt and top that looked from Chanel.She didn't look that old.
"Hello.I'm Aiko."Mom greeting her.For my surprise she also greeted her.
"Alice.Alice Asher."So cold voice.I want already home.Then I shaked her hand.It's like forever her gaze holding on me.Her eyes green ,yet so cold.

The women next to her greeted mom with fake smile.So fake like Landon's.
With short brown light hair and brown eyes."Hi,hi.I'm Bethany."
Mom smiled.
"Hello.I'm Aiko."I greeted her and smiled fakely as her.
I saw the girls chuckling while her face fall and I smirked.
She was also dressed in black Chanel the only missing think was the bag.
And when I see everyone with their shoes in I feel like throwing.

There were two women dressed in guess what.Black Chanel but witch jewelrys on.Thw first one shaked her hand with warm smile and my heart started beating a little."Hello nice to meet you.I'm Briar."Her short brown curly hair falling.
"Aiko.Nice to meet you."I shaked her hand with the same warm smile.
"Mio."I said.
"Such a beautiful name."She smiled.

The second one also with nice smile.
"Hi.I'm Dennis."With her middle brown hair.
"Hi.I'm Aiko."
"Hello."She greeted me and I nodded.

Mom shaked hands with their husbands too.
Both of them were in black suit with brown hair and brown eyes.I greeted them too.
Mom shaked the girls hands too an patted them on the head.
"Hi."She smiled.
"Hi.I'm Britney."She had middle brown hair with highlights.She was taller than me dressed in black Chanel dress with brown eyes and face for model.

Looking at me for sure I will not adapt.

I shaked her hand.
The girl next to her was inches shorter than her but still taller than me.Also with brown hair also with highlights and brown eyes.Dressed in dress."I'm Lily."We shake hands.

"There are Andreas and Jack's but they are outside.They will come at evening."Briar says.Mom nodded.

"Aiko those are our workers."
There were four womens,six mens.
"I'll tell later about that."He smiled.
"Well,after everyone greeted let's walk inside."Everyone walked inside.
I think that's the living room.With a big yellow gold sofas and pictures around.The pictures are really good actually.I thought rich people buy just buy shits and call it art but those are good.
"Do you like art?"Lily I think asked looking at me with smile and curiosity in her eyes.

"She has the japanese accents on her english."

"I didn't know japanese accents could sound good on english."

"Yeah,I draw."
She nodded.
"Are you good at it?"
"I think so."She starts laughing.
"You're funny."
"Thanks?"Do I look too confused?
"Lily!"Her sister I think called.
"Bye."She smiled.I nodded.

I walked and sat next to mom who was sitting next to Jonathan and put my bag on the floor trying to not see how the old lady next to the mom of Jonathan was checking my clothes.
She patted my hair.

They started talking sweetly sweetly.You can guess I zoned out.Looking from the big windows.Outside is sunny and nice.Can I go to a dark room and lock myself in?

"We think of marring tomorrow just us the family."I heard Jonathan.The pictures are really nice.
"Hmm why so fast?Ugh...don't tell me you're pregnant!"Oh please this Bethany...I roll my eyes.
"Ugh sister see!"So she is her sister.
Mom laughed.
"No,no I'm not."
I saw how Jonathan narrowed his eyes.So he narrows eyes too?

"Do you want to look your new room?"Jonathan asked me smiling.
I have sepreated room?
I nodded.He looked to the girls and I at mom she smiled nodding.
I stood taking my bag.
They walked me to the second floor.There was white clean corridor with six doors we stopped to the last one.
"Here is it."Lily opened the door.
We walked in.
I smiled.
"Ugh!Who can live here?It's like a vampire's cabinet!"Britney crossed her arms.

Yep I love it.I put my bag on my black bad.The room was big with little hig cupboard and mirror.
A big black wardrobe a big black carpet with a blades on it.It was white room with black things.There were
various plush chairs and a black swing decorated with black blankets with white crystals hung from the ceiling and a clean cupboard for my Mangas.
For sure this is mom's doing.

Mom:Hope you like it.
*sent wink emoji.*
Me:I do.
*sent heart emoji*
Mom:Sent heart emoji.

"Are  you messaging with your boyfriend perhaps?"Lily come up to my.
"My mother."I say walking to the windows.I moved the long black curtains.Nice view.I closed them again.

"You are from Japan,right?"Britney asked.I nodded.
"Do people there just nodd?"She smirked.I smirked too.
"Nah,just to brats."She glares at me.
Isn't she a sister to Landon?She is exactly like him.
"You don't say."She sweetly says.
"You have luck cus I want this iPhone."She murmurs.
"Leave it."Lily warns.I roll my eyes.
Okay this is not a good start.
"My brother is not here he must be Landon."Lily tried changing the topic.
"You are three siblings?"I ask.
She chuckles.
"No Bett is my cousin, I have brother Andreas she has brother too, Jack."


"Let's just go Lil.Sure miss Japan will look around her richy new life."She walked.
"Exuse her."Lily says and I smile.
"It's fine."She smiles and walks too.

"Such a broken english."I hear Britney.

What a bitch she is.


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