Chapter 2: You missed.

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Monday, January 7th, 2023
Wednesday's POV

Listening to my mother rant about how much the school has improved since last semester for thirty consecutive minutes is not how I wanted to spend my day. It didn't help that during the speech I could feel people's eyes peering at me, no matter how far away they were. 

"Why didn't you tell me that your mom was your new headmistress?!" Enid asks in excitement. I speed up my pace, trying to get back to our door room relatively quickly. I don't look back, but I can hear her feet shuffling along the halls of Nevermore close behind me. "Like, can we even get into trouble anymore?"

As we reach our dorm door, I reach my right hand into my jeans pocket and get my key. 

"The idea that we can't get into trouble just because my mother is the new principal is absurd. My mother may have found a way to keep me out of state prisons and multiple court ordered psychiatric facilities, but she remains the person that enforces punishment on me the most." I respond, unlocking the door and walking into our dorm room. 

"Did you just say psychiatric facilities?" Enid questioned. I turn around and find her with a concerned look on her face. 

"Yes." I respond. When she doesn't say anything, I turn around the continue to my bed. 

"So, you're just not going to say more?" She asks. I'm not completely sure what she's expecting me to say. When you've murdered multiple people before the age of eighteen the judge is going to question your sanity in court. My lawyer convinced her that they were just accidents. But little does the judge know, I knew exactly what I was doing. 


Maybe that's why people think that I'm crazy. 



The last thirty minutes or so have been quite relaxing. I've been writing on my side and Enid has been listening to music on hers. At some point during this time, she tried saying something to me, but I was too focused on my novel to comprehend what she was saying. 

The current peace is quickly interrupted when I hear three loud knocks on the door. I turn around and face the front of the room, wondering who would be interested on talking to me or my roommate within the first few hours back at Nevermore. I look over to Enid with an annoyed expression on my face. 

"Who's at the door?" I ask. Enid gets up from her bed, leaving her baby pink headphones on her mattress. 

"I told you that Yoko was coming over." She states, now walking over to the door. I sigh to myself as I try to process the fact that I'm now going to have to figure out how to drown out the noise that's about to invade this room. I keep my eyes on the door as I wait for the vampire. 

A few seconds later Enid opens up the door to Tanaka standing right there in the doorframe. They practically scream at each other when they first make eye contact then followed by a tight hug. My face scrunches just by watching the encounter. They exchange hellos and whatnot shortly before Enid invites her into the room. 

"Addams? Didn't think you would be here." Yoko speculated. She hasn't changed at all over break. Yes, I've only spoken to her once but she's still the same. Except this time around I'm seeing her in her personal choice of clothes. The only admirable thing about what she's wearing is that it happens to be all black. The worst thing she's wearing are those horrendous slides. 

"How come?" I ask her, wondering why it's surprising that I'm back at this school.

"I don't know, thought that maybe last semester would have been eventful enough for you." She responds. 

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