Chapter 16: Make her happy.

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IT IS CRIMINAL HOW LONG I MADE YOU GUYS WAIT FOR THIS ONE AND I AM SO SORRY!! I will try and make sure that won't happen again, but anyways, enjoy the chapter! :))

Thursday, January 10th, 2023
Wednesday's POV

I hate to admit this, but Divina has been quite helpful. She told me a lot, thankfully and regretfully. I haven't left the library yet. Mainly because I am not positive that Yoko has left our dorm room. Matter of fact, I'm willing to bet that she hasn't since she's not back here.

"Guess who's back bitches." I hear a voice announce, seemingly speed-walking towards the table. I watch as Divina smiles past me and at the person approaching. It's most definitely Yoko. She turns the corner with a smile and sits next to her girlfriend, immediately resting her legs over her lap. Part of me wants to look away and avert my eyes from the PDA to come, but I can't help but find myself interested in their dynamic. They may seem similar, and on some basis, they are, but they are remarkably different at the core. Yoko; energetic, touchy, dramatic. Divina; relaxed, to herself, quiet.

Now, of course, Divina can be more like Yoko in the right crowd at times, but when just the two of them this is how it is. Comforting to see clarification that opposites can attract. Enid and Yoko are the same, but the main difference between me and Divina is the fact she can be like Yoko in the right crowd. While on the other hand, I find it unlikely that I could function like Enid, even in the right crowd.

I think to myself for a second longer before I feel my pocket vibrate.

This damn phone, Enid still hasn't taught me how to turn it off.

As I take my phone out, I can hear Yoko whisper quietly to Divina. I'm not sure what she said, but whatever was said was amusing considering Divina's slight laugher. I look down at my phone screen and see a new message from the only notable contact on my phone.

"Who's it from Addams?" Yoko asks through a smile, the same smile that hasn't left her face since she walked into the library. I look up at her, perplexed as to what her and Enid could have possibly discussed up in our dorm that has her acting like a child who was just given a free lollipop.

"Enid." I say, answering her previous question.

"And what did Ms. Sinclair send?" Divina asks, now sharing Yoko's expression. I clench my jaw as I tap the message and unlock the phone. I don't know what to expect, and the two idiots at the other end of the table aren't helping. Their constant line of questions, and the tone they use when asking them is leading me to believe there are only positive things Enid could have sent. But then again, I don't exactly know what the couple considers "positive."


Enid Sinclair
can you come upstairs please?

After I read the text, I look up across the table to Yoko and Divina both staring at me. My eyes switch between them as I wait for someone to speak. I'm aware Divina asked a question, and societally I'm encouraged to respond, but I don't know what to say. I'm not 100% sure what Enid sent me. It may seem like a harmless message, and it very well might be. However, based on Yoko's behavior and the events of last night, this most likely has more depth to it. 

"How do I respond?" I question. I've also found that more recently it's been easier for me to ask for assistance. It's my last resort on most, if not on all occasions of course, but nevertheless I'm able to ask.

"Well, what did she say?" Yoko asks.

"Don't play dumb Tanaka, you know what she said." I retort.

"But I didn't even see-"

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