Chapter 15: Your little witch.

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(Same day and time as the last chapter)

Thursday, January 10th, 2023
Enid's POV

Bang Bang Bang

I quickly pause my music and remove my headphones after hearing a loud knocking on the door. I sigh, upset that my downtime was interrupted. Especially since this downtime included reminiscing over a certain kiss that happened last night. Seriously, for someone who claims to not have much experience, she knew what she was doing.

I slide off my bed and walk over to the door as the knocking continues, this time much more aggressive.


I start to get nervous. Who would be knocking on the door like this at this hour? Wednesday just left, Bianca and Kent have swim practice, and Yoko and Divina should be in the library. I lighten my steps as I get closer to the door, putting my ear next to it gently.

"If your gay ass doesn't open the door, I'm going to tell the headmistress that you made out with her daughter last night." A familiar voice whispers to me from the other end of the door.

"Yoko." I whine, taking a step back and letting her into the room. She laughs hysterically as I shut the door behind her. "Not funny."

"I think it is a little, don't you?" She says through the smile on her face. She walks over to my bed and tosses herself onto it, immediately getting comfortable in a criss-cross-applesause position. I follow her but instead I sit down on the floor, leaning against the wall with the stain glass window.

"No, I don't, you actually freaked me out."

"Yeah, that's the funny part."

"Remind me again why you're here? I though after school on Thursdays was you and Divina's library gossip time." I change the conversation.

"Oh please, you know why I'm here." Yoko responds, quickly rerouting. She's not wrong, I do know why she's here. I mean, whenever something even remotely interesting happens in one of our lives we come rushing for a discussion, only this time I haven't done that. I think it's because I've been daydreaming non-stop about last night, I didn't even think about telling Yoko.

"How did you even know?" I question.

"Cause I fucking heard y'all in the closet. You weren't exactly trying to be quiet." She states, getting up from the bed and walking over to the other side, going to straight to my mini fridge. Ajax got it for me at some point before we broke up. I guess he felt bad that we hadn't seen each other in a while so he shipped it to my house. It's small with two shelves, just enough room to fit around a two dozen cans of soda. I was going to throw it away but decided it would be a good edition to my side of the room. It's baby pink, and it used to have Ajax's name on it written in sharpie, but I painted over it before the school year started. When I look at it now, I don't think about him and what he used to be to me. Instead, I think about when I need to restock it because Yoko keeps drinking all my soda.

She walks back around to where she was before, handing me a sprite before sitting back down on the bed. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a blood packet. If you're wondering what a blood packet is, it's exactly what it sounds like. And if you were a normie, you would think it was a normal ketchup packet without reading the label. It's designed that way of course; in case an outcast brings one outside of Nevermore nobody will think twice. However, they would judge if one of us took out a random hospital bag of blood. Yeah, that was found out the hard way a few years ago...but now they're disguised so it's all good.

I watch as Yoko opens the packet and pours all of it into her can of sprite.

"There is no way that tastes good." I say, judging from the floor. She wrinkles up the empty packet and shoves it into her other pocket. She then swirls around the drink before taking a long sip.

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