Chapter 11: That damn vodka bottle.

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Wednesday, January 9th, 2023
Wednesday's POV

Reggie, Easton, and I talked about Enid a little while longer. Reggie told me that it was obvious I liked her just based on the way I reacted when she was around. Until then, I didn't realize I was so transparent. They both encouraged me to do or say something to her indicating my feelings, but I'm not fully sure how to do that. There is still time tonight for me to make progress, however, I don't believe that will happen.

Her brothers left my table some time ago. I'm not positive as to where they went but I know somebody called them. Nevertheless, I'm alone once again in this corner. The amount of people since the beginning of the night has only increased. I didn't think this house could get more crowded, but it has.

I look around the room once again, slightly bothered by my current situation. I look back to my hands resting on the table, impatiently forcing myself not to tap my finger.

"Fuck, there you are." I hear someone say. I ignore their voice, doubting someone at this party would be voluntarily looking for me. "Addams, you lost your hearing or something?" They continue. I look up to see Yoko, walking over to the table.

"Yoko." I state, not as a question but rather my brain acknowledging that she is there.

"Yeah, it's me don't cream your pants." She sarcastically responds, I just stare at her confused on her remark. "Steve Harrington...Stranger things? Damn it Addams, I need you to keep up." I would never admit this, but I am pleased to see Yoko right now. Part of me was starting to think they forgot I was with them. "Anyways, Enid sent me around this big ass house to look for you. Remember how Vina told us there was going to be a game in the sunroom, yeah, that game is starting soon. So, chop chop, let's go."

"I'm not up for playing a game at the moment." I note. As depressing as it was sitting here alone, I would much rather stay seated than play whatever lousy, drunk teenage game with others.

"You don't have a choice. Divina and Kent made a list of like twenty people total who they wanted to play, and it's not like we're just gonna chose someone else instead of you." I look at her, hiding my shock. Divina and Kent put me on the list? It's only twenty people, they could have chosen anyone else at this party. "Oh, my lord Wednesday, politely get the hell up. There's eighteen people in that room waiting for us. Enid saved you a seat next to her on one of the beanbags." Yoko adds. I get up from my chair, not wanting to play a game but not wanting to keep people waiting either. Furthermore, the idea of Enid saving me a seat and me never showing up hurts.

I follow Yoko as she walks through many rooms and a hallway before we reach the sunroom. Three of the walls are a pastel yellow, covered in photos of what I'm assuming is family. The fourth wall has a sliding glass door, leading to the same back porch as the kitchen. There's a tv screwed to the wall and shelves of books scattered all over. In the middle of the room is a coffee table surrounded by a couch, two rocking chairs, and five bean bags. On one of those beanbags is taken up by Enid who smiles at me widely, patting a small space next to her as me and Yoko walk in.

I move around a few people, making my way to the saved seat. I sit down next to her with little to no room in between us. Looking around I recognize some of the people, everyone in a circle around the coffee table. Enid, Kent, Divina, Bianca, Yoko, Easton, Reggie, Ajax, and most others I've seen around the school. Yoko hurries over to Divina to sits next to her, laying her legs over her lap.

"Okay, so now that everyone is here, we can get started." Kent says, quieting all the small conversations happening around the room.

"Started with what exactly?" Bianca questions. We all watch as Kent gets up and grabs an empty vodka bottle from one of the nearby shelves and places it sideways in the middle of the coffee table. I watch as some people in the room smirk, while others just look confused.

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