Chapter 8: Just a little twirl?

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January 9th, 2023
Wednesday's POV

Today's classes were normal, as they always are. It felt as though time went by particularly faster than average. Maybe that correlates to my growing excitement about the "party" tonight...

That's a joke.

Yoko said I needed to get better at them.

Anyway, it's safe to say I am not looking forward to whatever function is going to be taking place at 8:30. Being surrounded by a bunch of drunk and dumb teenagers isn't exactly my style. But who knows, maybe I'll be entertained. The fact that there is no theme does make this event slightly more bearable, that way I can wear what I want with no expectations. Although, I have to acknowledge the benefit of attending something like this. That being observing different forms of flirting.

The conversation with Enid last night was not what I expected, nor planned for. I was prepared to ask her about her day and possibly find out more on her breakup with Ajax. Instead, the night ended with tears, suicidal thought confessions, and coming out. Three things that if you told me last semester I would be partaking in; I would have killed you with a smile on my face. I've been vulnerable around Enid before, however last night was different. I felt like she was the only person that could see me, ever. I'm not sure how I feel about that statement, but last night I felt understood.

Nevertheless, it happened, and I can't change that.

Yoko and Bianca got here a couple minutes ago; here being me and Enid's dorm. We are leaving at 8:15 and it's a thirty-minute walk to Divina and Kents house, leaving our arrival at around 8:45. Everyone agreed that we should get there fashionably late.

I sit on my bed, reading a book, not yet changed. I look up at the sound of Enid and Bianca gathering their makeup bags and heading into the bathroom, shutting the door behind them. I go back to reading, unbothered, that is until I feel a pair of eyes on me. I reluctantly put down my book and direct my attention to Yoko; staring at me from across the room, seated on Enid's beanbag.

"Do need another pair of glasses because I'm struggling to find as reason as to why you would be looking at me like that." I rhetorically snark.

"So, what are you going to wear tonight? I don't think I have it in me to let you attend a party in that." She says motioning to my outfit, completely ignoring my comment. I look down at my clothes; loose black pants, black oversized V-neck sweater with white dots, and a black button down underneath. Not my favorite outfit in my wardrobe but still suitable.

"And what do you suppose is wrong with my clothing choice, Dracula?" I question, standing up from my bed. She gets up from the bean bag and starts walking over to me, once again motioning to my outfit.

"It's all just so...baggy. Not form fitting at all." She notes. She takes a step back analyzing me. "Can you do a 360 really quick?" She asks, moving her finger around.

"Excuse me?"

"A 360, you know, turn in a full circle." She rephrases.

"Absolutely not." I respond, deadpanning at the girl in front of me. Yoko rolls her eyes before she continues.

"Oh, come on Addams, just a little twirl." She says with a smile.

"I am not a dog."

"You're right, a dog would have twirled." She retorts. I sigh before turning around, heading back to my bed. "I'm just trying to get a sense of your figure. I've only ever seen you in either baggy-ass clothes or the Nevermore uniform." She adds. I stop walking and turn back around, now looking at Yoko once again.

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