Chapter 12: The devil herself - 1

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Thursday, January 10th, 2023
Enid's POV

Today was a good day. Well, yesterday was a better day for...obvious reasons. I can't stop thinking about it if I'm being honest. Kissing her was everything that I thought it would be. I wasn't expecting it to be in a closet during seven minutes in heaven, but even then, it was good. Wednesday is a really good kisser. Like, I really good kisser.

After we got out of the closet last night nothing much else happened. The game was played a bit more, we all went back into the crowd at some point, and then everyone went home. One notable thing though, Ajax kept looking at me when me and Wednesday came out of the closet. It wasn't even like an angry look. Just a 'what are the odds my ex-girlfriend just made out with her girl roommate?' kind of look. So, not angry, just curious.

The truth is, I think I might be at fault for our breakup. I didn't cheat or anything like that, no. Or...maybe I did in my head. I didn't mean too, but he could tell that I was absent towards the end. But the reason we split was become some things that he said the night it all went down. This particular night is also the reason Kent isn't super close with him anymore.

The night we broke up I was in an argument with my parents. More like me, Harry, Easton, and Reggie were in an argument with them. It was your classic dinner table argument. Ajax was in Chicago for a weekend visiting his sister and I thought it would be nice for him to stop by, meet my brothers and stuff. But of course, my mother had to ruin it...


We were all sitting down at the table. Harry had just brought the food in and placed it nicely. He's the best cook in the family, and since we had a guest, it was a massive ham and turkey dinner.

"Alrighty then, hands in everybody." My mother said. She reached out for my dad and Harrys hands, both who were on either side of her. As she got ready to say her prayer I took a deep breath. Regretfully, I forgot to tell my family prior to the dinner that Ajax is an atheist. This was never a problem in our relationship. I mean, I was raised Catholic, but I don't really know what I am. I've never had the opportunity to even think about what I might or might not believe in. Harry's Christan, he has been since he moved out. Easton's also an Atheist, and Reggie is Agnostic. Only us siblings know this though. The night our parents find out only one of us believes in God, two of us are gay, and Easton's a whore...we're doomed.

"Mom, can we uh...maybe skip the prayers for tonight?" I asked from across the table. Yeah, that might have been the first fuck-up of the night. I was just trying to be respectful. Even though me and my brothers fake it, that didn't mean Ajax had to.

"Why?" She asked, already appalled. Man, looking back on this day I really wish I hadn't suggested that we skip her damn prayer.

"'s just-" I began. I tried not to shutter or pause due to nerves. Luckly, I didn't stutter, but I did hesitate. I was so scared to possibly start an argument.

"I'm an Atheist, Mrs. Sinclair." Ajax intervened. I guess he could tell that I didn't want to throw him under the bus. But the look on my mother's face showed that it didn't matter who told her that he was an Atheist, she was going to reach the same way no matter what.

"Atheis-how? You're a Gorgon. Greek. I-I mean, you're not Christan or Jewish or anything?" She judgmentally questioned. I swear, if you didn't know her and you heard the things she said, you would think she was raised under a rock. Actually no, that's an insult to the people who have been raised under rocks.

"Um, no. I don't practice religion." He told her. Much calmer that I would have been.

"Well, that wasn't what I was expecting, but that's okay. Your life, not mine." She muttered. Even though it wasn't said loudly she still found a way to piss off me and my brothers with this comment. Before anyone of us even said anything Reggie rolled his eyes, Harry put some more food on his plate, I sighed, and Easton scoffed. Although, it was Easton's action that put my mother off.

"You scoffed." She said.

"Of course I did." Easton responded. With his tone of voice, it was obvious that he wasn't going to let my mother dismiss it this time. Even if we had guests over. "What kind of bullshit is that?"

"Excuse me?" My mother spoke, her voice was full of disbelief.

"Excuse me? Excuse you! You actually just sat there and had the balls to say, 'your life not mine' as if me, Enid, Reggie, or Harry ever told you something like that you wouldn't send us away to some wilderness camp!" He yelled. What he said was true. Wilderness camp or some kind of conversion therapy are the two things my mother would threaten us with. Especially me and Reggie. She stood up, slamming her hands onto the table.

"You are not to speak this way in front of guests! Do you not have any respect?" She shouted. I sat there and looked up at her. Her hair was a mess. I remember that part very well. She always told me I needed to try extra hard to look good so I could attract a mate. A male one. She still tells me actually, ever since me and him broke up. I never knew how backhanded it really was up until that moment.

"Why would I have any respect for someone who only respects people she shares the same opinions with?!" Easton called out. He was so angry. He and my mom always argue the most, loud arguments that is. Next, it's probably Harry. He's always telling her how she could be better while Easton tells her how she couldn't be better if she tried. Me and Reggie on the other hand, me and him don't really yell at her. I don't know if it's because we're the youngest, but we do get scared of her. Whenever me and my mother argue, it's her telling me how I could improve, same goes with Reggie.

"I don't share the same opinions with Ajax here, but I sure do respect him!" She retorted.

"And why exactly is that?! Is it because Ajax is the first boy Enid's ever brought to the house?! Is it because now you don't need to keep insulting my sister on her clothes, her personality, hell, the scars on her face telling her she's not pretty enough to attract anybody anymore, because now that a boy's over you have a reason to stop?! Fuck, if you're going to be so critical of your only daughters looks you should at least hold the same high standards for yourself!" He yelled at her, right before sitting down back into his seat. It went silent after. At the time, I could feel my eyes watering. It wasn't because Easton mentioned anything I was uncomfortable with. It was because for the first time someone in that house that wasn't myself, acknowledged to my mother's face how she was treating me.

"I do not critique your sister the way you explain. Suggestions are what I give. Yes, to help attract a mate but nevertheless to help her confidence." She defended. Bullshit. But I didn't say anything. Nobody did. Other than Harry nobody had started eating yet and we wanted this meal quick and done.

For a while we all sat in silence. Occasionally someone would ask for a certain dish from the other end of the table, but that was all. That's what I thought at least. This terrible as my mother is in it, it's not about her and what she says this time. It's about what Ajax says.

Keeping that in mind. If my mom didn't say what she said next, me and Ajax might never have broken up.

Thinking about it now, that's probably for the better.

"Contrary to popular belief, Atheism doesn't bother me all that much." My mother went, still talking in an attempt to defend herself. "Besides, now at least you have a person your age to talk to that isn't psychotic spoiled little bitch." She stated. Everyone at the table looks at her. It's rare that she swears so naturally we stared. I didn't put together what she had actually said until a few seconds later.

"What?" I asked. I couldn't think of anything else. What is someone even supposed to say to something like that. My mother shrugged her shoulders, putting more food on her plate.

"That Addams girl you always go on and on about. Disgusting girl, truly a piece of work I can imagine. Yet, another reason I'm pleased with Ajax's arrival. Maybe I might here you talk about something other than the devil herself."

[Flashback continues in next chapter]

I'm sorry it took me so long to update, life got busy for a moment! Don't worry, there will be a better schedule soon!! <<33

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