6. Male Lead

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Simon King is the young commander of country's Special Force responsible for tasks other Military groups couldn't solve.

He's also the hidden heir of the clan who holds half of the country's Military Power.

Before the meteor fell, a team under him was ordered to go to the capital of P City to pick up a Confidential documents from the Military base.

But halfway through the travel back to the Capital City, they were besieged by humanoid monsters. Before that, half of his subordinates mutated to disgusting monsters, so the surviving team members have no enough strength to defend themselves, and was swallowed in the swamp of monsters.

He alone survived because of the claws who magically immerged from her hands.

In a week of observation, he finally concluded that the Earth really entered the era of Apocalypse. He saw very few survivors and noticed the absence of women.

Based on what he heard, very very few women survived the first day of catastrophe.

Running and hiding day and night,  his strength was completely depleted when he saw her..

A small petite woman with a white hair and mesmerizing beauty.

She's fighting stubbornly against a monster two times her size. Her eyes are calm and sharp, giving away that this is not her first fight against those creatures.

He dazedly stared at her focused and murderous appearance. Her lips are pursing in concentration as she wave the heavy silver saber to the enemy.

Her unskillful killing doesn't meet the standards, instead, she looks like a child who got her hands on an adult weapon.

He's nervous for her the whole process, but fortunately she managed to solve the creatures safely.

He was about to approach her when a pair of sparkling blue eyes looked at him sharply.


Threatened a soft melodious voice. Her face looks fierce and malicious, but this couldn't deceive his eyes.

Hidden in her eyes is fear and nervousness. The poor young girl obviously wanted to run away, but would he really let her run from him? No way..

He stepped forward slowly, observing her every reactions. Her eyes are unfocused, looking for a scape route. He pursed his lips and patiently walk step by step towards her.

"You...stay right there! Take another step and I-I will beat you to d-death.." she shouted, pretending to be arrogant, but her eyes are turning red from great fear.

Simon's brows furrowed. Fear is normal, but seeing her unconscious reaction and strong human rejection, he could see clearly that there's something wrong with her.

This is not the reaction of a normal person. Usually when you meet an unknown person, whether you're scared or not, you'll ask who the person is first.

But her reaction...It's like...a psychological reaction of an abused person or those who undergone great shock or betrayal.

The moment she noticed him, the first thing she did was to run and escape.

His eyes turned dark upon realizing this, but regained his amenable appearance to not frighten the little girl.

"I'm Simon King, I mean no harm. I just saw you fighting those monsters and wanted to help but after observation, you seemed like you didn't need my help at all, so I just stayed here quietly" he honestly explained. His voice and eyes softened unconsciously.

"S-Simon King..." she whispered lowly, but his sharp ears heard it. His heart trembled with unfamiliar emotions. Hearing her delicately calling his name, a warm current flowed straight to her heart.

"Do you know me?" he softly asked, giving her a smile he rarely shows.

"Umm..No.." she whispered dodging his eyes. Clearly a lie, but Simon did not probe her.

But what he don't understand is her obvious change after hearing his name. She seemed more relaxed, like she knows she could trust him.

Not lingering in this thought, he'll get answers from her in due time. What's important now is to get to know her and earn her trust.

The whole P City is in the process of evacuation based from the coded message from the Capital. He'll wait for the Army to arrive, before travelling back to the Capital City.

His father already started building a base in the Capital, his grandfather in the A City, and his uncle in the S City. If there's no accident, someone will pick him up in four days.

Seeing this delicate female fighting alone, she probably had no other family members....but if there is... A sharp glint shone from his eyes but immediately disappeared.

"I'm not a malicious person. I just need a safe place to rest. The Army will arrive in two days to evacuate the survivors. I'm part of the Military and wouldn't do anything bad to you..so could you please help me?" he sell misery and showed his injuries and tired body.

Alva pursed her lips tightly. This is Simon King, one of the male protagonist in the story, so she put her guard down infront of him.

Not because he's a character of the story, but because Simon King is an upright and kind man. He's a hero who'll selflessly save even just ordinary people.

If even he couldn't be trusted, then who will she trust in the future.

In the first week of Apocalypse, Simon was destined to meet Celestine Orla, the female protagonist, so what is he doing here?

But meeting one of her most favorite characters in her favorite manhwa, her heart was actually not calm from the beginning. So not thinking of the butterfly effect of her action, she lead Simon to her temporary residence.

"Y-you can follow me..b-but not to near, okay?" She negotiated seriously, unaware how cute she looks at the moment.

Simon closed his lips tightly to stop himself from smiling, and nodded immediately.

"I will keep a safe distance. Please don't worry" a glint of slyness passed through her eyes.

He followed the female quietly. Seeing her wavy snow white hair on her back, his fingers really feel itchy.

She lead him towards a four story apartment. As he walk forward, remains of monsters were scattered all around the place. Her eyebrows were raised in surprise.

"Did you kill all of them. You're strong?" he kicked a panther-like monster on the side. He observed the crude knife marks on their body and confirmed his theory.

"Well.." she covered the shy blush showing on her cheeks. Although she's five meters away from him, she could still hear his compliment.

Seeing her shy reaction, his eyes brightened with a trace of joy. She's obviously an innocent soft little girl, why would someone bear to hurt such wonderful girl. His eyes darkened just thinking about the person who caused her mental traumas.

"Wait here.." Alva disappeared for ten minutes before coming back, sweaty.

She showed him a relatively clean room with complete daily necessities, bedding and some food in the cabinet and refrigerator.

She's still standing far away from him, hiding behind the wall as she explains to him

"There's water in the bathroom and kitchen, since the building has water tank on the rooftop. There's a gas and stove under the coffee table. If the food is not enough, tell me. I collected food from the whole building. There are books inside the bedroom cabinet if you're bored. The bathroom has medical supplies. Two sets of clothes are inside the closet...just... just call me if you need anything else. I live next door" she blabber lowly, looking down on the floor.

"Thank you " he smiled brightly at her. His eyes are sparkling with mysterious glint. Looking at her...tenderly?

"Umm..." After getting his answer, she immediately run towards her room. Her heart pounding hard because of that smile.

Too bright. The hero's halo is too bright I'm gonna faint...

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