10. Celestine Orla

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It has been 3 days since we started traveling with the military convoy. We have encountered waves after waves of alienated humans but the overall situation is still good.

Only few soldiers were sacrificed, after seeing the real situation outside, the survivors have become more cooperative to the military.

However, there's a situation the military wasn't expecting..

Fangs, Ears, Fur, Tail and flactuating eyes were materializing in some of the survivors.

At first, everyone was paranoid and anxious, but thankfully after repeated testing, they confirmed that these people are still in control of themselves and don't yearn blood and meat, unlike the alienated people.

One of the rescued biologist proposed a theory about human evolution. He said that a man adapts and adjusts based on his environment to survive, which enlightened the military who at first suggested to simply kill the mutants before the complete evolution.

After a lot of heated debate, the higher-ups agreed to observe the situation of these people first, before doing something drastic.

Simon and Alva did not participate in this issue. They just quietly observed from the dark to avoid implications.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the convoy have finally reached the base, which is the former military base camp in the City.

It's still lacking in security, but with the army, the people feel so much safer than outside. The walls and buildings construction is ongoing 24/7, and the thousands of newly transferred survivors were temporarily placed in the canteen and covered courts.

Turning off the car, the two waited until everyone settled down before climbing down the car.

"Did you put everything in?" Simon whispered, tugging her hoodie a little more downward. After checking again and again, Simon put his arm around her shoulder naturally to avoid bumping and clashing with other survivors.

Signs of anxiety attack are a little bit better than before. This is thanks to Simon's encouragement and support.

The past three days, he pulled her little by little out of her safety box. Comforting her when depression attacked, training her hard when she's a bit courageous.

The relationship between them also improved drastically. The negligible awkwardness and hesitations have long been gone.

Alva could openly communicate with Simon properly now. Maybe it's because they were together 24/7 or maybe because they have affection towards one another, but Alva found it easier to open up to him.

"Em..why do we need to follow them in the base by the way?" she asked in puzzlement. Trying to divert her attention from his warm arm around her.

"Supplies. My Grandpa's comrade-in-arms is the base commander here, and Grandpa sent him a message to give me some supplies before traveling back home" he explained. Truthfully, the initial plan was to travel back with teams of soldiers, but now it's inconvenient since they're hiding secrets now.

"Okay" Alva nodded in understanding.

They did not notice a tall slender body rushing towards them. Just right before the figure pounce at Simon, he immediately moved backward to avoid it instinctively. He gave the beautiful girl a hard look before moving forward again.

"Are you okay?" he worriedly asked Alva.

"Hmm..okay" she answered. Frowning her eyebrows a little bit.

Just as Simon's checking her, a soft waxy voice interrupted them.

"Excuse me..I did not mean it" the girl gave Simon a pitiful and innocent look. Ignoring Alva who's currently in Simon's embrace.

"..." Simon just lifted his head a bit but did not answer.

"Really. I'm sorry. I did not mean to bump on you" the girl this time gave Simon an aggrieved look. Again, ignoring Alva.

"...ok" just to avoid trouble. Simon answered without lifting his head.

"I'm Celestine. What's your name?" she asked. Giving off a shy blush at Simon.

Simon did not mind her anymore and after confirming that Alva is not injured anywhere, pulled her forward to leave the noisy female.

Alva's eyes widen in surprise for a second before frowning back. Seeing the female lead like this, how come she feels like she's quite annoying? Is it her high pitched voice? or her insensitivity? or maybe her calculating eyes? Overall, Alva is quite disappointed to female lead.

"Hey.. I'm talking to you" she run again towards them, reaching out to touch Simon's jacket.

Alva, without thinking, slapped her hand away. After realizing what she did, her whole body stiffened looking guilty. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it" she apologized sincerely to Celestine. Biting her lips in confusion.

However, Alva did not notice that she gave the same line Celestine used after bumping them. Only...hers is a little more sincere. So Celestine took it as her (AG) provocation. She (CO) looked at her with dark eyes, scaring her (AC).

"Are you making fun of me?" Celestine asked with a bad tone. But immediately softened after realizing Simon's watching them. "..how..how could you slap me like that? I just wanted to apologize" she said a little louder with tears in her eyes. Looking like a damsel in distress. She looked at Simon pitifully, asking for rescue.

"Oh. N-no.." Alva nervously replied. Because of the aggressive reaction from Celestine, Alva's breathing became erratic and her eyes was, unfocused.

Noticing the change in Alva, Simon immediately hugged her into his chest, trying to calm her of her attack.

"Why are you acting like this? Are you passing the blame to me?" Celestine shouted even more louder. Her dissatisfaction and jealousy because of Simon's obvious preferential treatment provoked her that she couldn't maintain her angelic image.

"Will you shut up!" Simon snapped at her. Disgusted with the woman infront of him. Obviously, Alva's slap was just an instinctive reaction because of countless battles against the alienated humans and beasts, so she immediately apologizesd after.

"..why? I was not in the wrong" Celestine cried aggrieved. Trying to earn Simon's pity.

"When you bumped on us and apologized, we forgave you. Now that Alva apologized to you, you shouted and shouted like a madwoman" he calmly told her, but his whole body was exuding a strong killing intent.

Seeing the situation was wrong, the passersby who at first wanted to watch the fun, immediately scattered. The man is obviously not easy to manipulate. Even Celestine felt the danger coming from him so she nervously stepped back.

Dring transfer, she saw this handsome and mascular man riding infront of the convoy. She investigated a little from the little soldiers and learned that he's a man with high status and power in the Capital. Since then, she painstakingly look for any opportunity to strike a conversation, but the guy is always inside the car with the little woman who's always covered from head to toe.

When they finally arrived in the base, she created an opportunity to bump on them but was unfortunately evaded.

Watching the back of the two walking away. A strong unwillingness condensed in her eyes.

Obviously she's now beautiful and alluring, she does not believe that she can't get Simon's attention. It's that woman's white lotus acting. If not for her, Simon would be hers by now.

She's dissatisfied with her (AG) since the transfer. She's (AG) monopolizing Simon's attention, and now she's framing her (CO) as a bad person infront of him!

Hmph! I'm not done with you yet.

I'll trample you under my foot soon.

With that, she walked back to the dormitory room given by the little soldier she seduced. She's too pretty to live in an open space with everyone...

Beastmen in Modern World (Beastworld+Apocalypse)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن