Chapter Nine

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        Cody lifted the ringing cell from the front pocket of his jacket, a low groan of loving irritation escaped after glancing at the number, even as he swiped to answer.

     "Cody? Why did it take so long to answer, son?" Marissa Phillips' voice filled the silence making him smile. "Were you busy with something? Or should I say, with someone?"

     "Morning to you too Ma," he murmured and leaned back against the kitchen counter as he waited on Emma to get dressed upstairs. He eyeballed the coffee pot and debated on making a mug while he waited.

        After her panic attack he'd suggested a hot shower and then he planned to take her out for breakfast, or rather lunch so she wouldn't be here while he figured out how to get the spirit to calm the hell down and stop scaring her. He noticed the coffee mug sitting on the counter. The same one from the night before. Why had she left it sitting there? What was the significance of that mug?


     "Yeah?" He blinked as his mother's voice filtered though. "Sorry Ma, I got distracted."

        "You sound upset. Is something wrong?"

        Cody rubbed the back of his neck, shaking his head even though she couldn't see him. "Naw, just a case hitting a little too close to home. That's all. How's Gran and Dad?" He had to keep her talking about the family, so maybe she wouldn't use her own 'gift' to make him wish he'd ignored her call.

        "It won't work, son," she said wryly. "I'm on to you."

        "What? I'm just asking about my family." He smirked knowing his mother was well aware of his shenanigans. "Why is that so wrong?"

"I know what you're up to my dear son, and it's not gonna fly." Marissa snorted softly. "And don't try to change the subject Cody James Phillips, I already know about her," she said in a knowing tone. "Your Gran told me she had a dream and saw someone new yet not new in your life. And so naturally I did a reading," she said with nonchalance only his Ma could manage while completely crossing boundaries into full blown nosiness.

        "Of course, you did," he muttered indulgently.

        "And then I saw her, too," she said happily with a dreamy sounding sigh.

        Aw hell, here it comes. Cody allowed his head to fall back on his neck to bang gently against the cupboard behind his head. "Yeah?"

        "First of all shame on you for not telling us, and secondly how can we possibly welcome her into our home when we don't even know her name? So we need the name of my new soon to be daughter-in-law, and thirdly and most importantly when we can meet her."

        "Ma, you and Gran have got to stop doing this," he moaned softly and lowered his chin to his chest. "There isn't anyone new in my life, I am not dating anyone. I promise."

        "Cody," she sighed softly.

        "Ma." Two could play this game. He shook his head imagining her frowning at the ceiling as she tried to figure out how to get her way.

        "Okay. Fine. Go ahead and keep it to yourself a little longer, but I have a very strong feeling I will be meeting her sooner rather than later. And I also get the feeling she will ask you to bring her to us." His mother said with enough confidence that she almost had him believing her. Even though he knew he wasn't dating anyone. ", I think. Tomorrow at the latest. But leaning toward this afternoon."

        He looked upwards where he knew a woman he'd love to be dating was changing right at that moment. Cody chuckled. "If I start a relationship I promise I will let you know, but at the moment I'm not."

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