Chapter Thirty-Five

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Emma wasn't sure what she was walking into. Granted she'd seen lots of those spooky ghost hunting shows where the group walks into the haunted building with all the handy gadgets that linked the dead to the living. And sure enough Tony and his friend Aaron Huaman had all the trinkets of the trade.

What's more they actually seemed to know how to use them.

Out of respect she and Cindy stayed back and out of the way while the two walked about asking if there was anyone who wanted to say anything. She looked at Cindy who was watching the guys closely, Aaron more than Tony. Hmm. Budding romance?

Emma rolled her eyes mentally and shut that idea down quickly. Just because she was blissfully happy and in love didn't mean everyone had to be. But she did need to remember that Cindy had just had her heart broken recently and she was being awfully inconsiderate about her affection with Cody.

"Is it just me or does this house look super creepy with all the lights out?" Cindy whispered from her side.

Emma nodded. "Yeah, especially since we know that there was blood on the floor up there where he was shot." Emma's stomach felt queasy at the memory of all that blood. "I hope they can fix this."

"Me too," Cindy agreed as they followed the group.

Upstairs on the landing Cody stood with Sophia and Marissa speaking quietly. Unlike Tony and Aaron they didn't have anything other than some sweet smelling bundle and an incense lamp filled with what Emma recognized as sandalwood. All of the sudden Tony and Aaron began to talk loudly and excitedly.

Emma and Cindy both turned to watch as the two fiddled with the hand held machines, both talking at the same time. Words like EVP and EMF and Gauss Meter made Emma frown. Were they even speaking English anymore?

Cindy spoke up when Tony came close. "What's up?"

Tony's eyes glittered. "We have an EVP that you're not going to believe."

Emma leaned closer, crossing her arms tightly. The house was suddenly colder than normal. "What's that?"

Aaron muttered something about finding a REM pod and wandered off, leaving Tony to explain. "Electronic Voice Phenomena. In other words the spirit can speak to us, and while we don't hear it, this will record it on a frequency we can not only hear but record." He fiddled with the small black box and then held it out for Emma to hold. "Press play."

Emma looked at it and found the tiny sideways triangle and started the recording. She heard Tony ask if there was a message they wanted to get across.

The static filled the recording until the soft voice could be heard, the words simple. "Help him. He's lost."

Emma gasped because she knew that voice as well as she knew her own. "That's Grammy!"

Tony's smile was wide. "That's what we thought as well."

Cindy snorted softly. "I'm glad you could hear something. It just sounded like regular static to me."

Emma patted her arm gently. "So how does that help them cross over? I mean, we already know that he's not himself."

Tony nodded. "It helps because it's proof that she's sentient, or another way of putting it, she's aware." He took the recorder that Emma held out to him. "It will make it easier for Marissa and Sophia to move him over, because they can bring Ms Beth forward, force her to manifest, and use her to bring William. The rest should work out easily," he explained.

Cindy tilted her head in thought while Emma spoke softly, "so it's like they're trying to find each other? In the dark?"

Tony nodded and waved Cody over. "Exactly like that little sister. They're lost in the dark, and we need to shine a really bright light for them. That's where Sophia and Marissa come in, they force Ms Beth and William to show up, and Cody will act as a freaking lighthouse for the dead to lead them home."

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