Chapter Twenty-Six

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        Emma couldn't figure out why Cody wasn't there to take her home from the hospital. He hadn't missed a single day since she'd been in that place. But then again maybe he'd been called back to work or something.

        She hadn't actually had the guts to ask him about her mother. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to know. Hank had come and taken her statement while Cody had reluctantly gone home to take a shower. She really couldn't remember much other than a huge explosion after she'd told Dalton that Carol had killed his brother. Things went pretty fuzzy to black after that. At least until she'd woken up in the hospital to see Cody smiling down at her.

        Which is exactly why this felt so very wrong to be riding in Cindy's car and not in Cody's huge truck. Had he finished the case and decided that she wasn't worth the trouble anymore? Maybe helping take care of her in the hospital had ruined the mystique of her as a female for him. He had carried her to the bathroom a few times, helped change her bandages, he'd even washed her hair for her once. Emma imagined it'd be hard to find someone sexy when they wore those hospital gowns. Even if he had said he thought it was handy with its open back design.

        "Girl if you don't get out of your head right now I'm going to smack you and burn your favorite boots," Cindy threatened from the driver's seat. "I'd actually be doing you a favor if I destroyed those hideous things to be perfectly honest."

        Emma rolled her eyes. "Don't hate on my boots." Her stomach clenched in a strange sense of dread as they turned down the street to the house. She caught her breath and her hands tightened into fists in her lap. Dear God! How could just the sight of that house make her feel so sick? That was her home for crying out loud.

        "What's wrong Emma Boo? Are you hurting? Do you need me to take you back? I have drugs you can take." Cindy frowned and lifted her foot from the accelerator. "Talk to me," she urged.

        "I'm okay. I promise." Emma shrugged. "I guess I'm just nervous about being back there after, you know everything that has happened."

        "That totally makes sense to me." Cindy went back driving down the street. "Honestly. I'd need a therapist after all that."
Her doctor had actually suggested the same thing. PTSD or something like that. Emma lowered her head and looked at her hands, feeling the strange urge to cry. "And I feel a little off balance considering I've not been away from..." she stopped herself and inwardly smacked her forehead. "It's nothing. I'm just tired I guess."

        Cindy nodded with a knowing smirk. "You know, Emma, you are a horrible liar. But since I can't wait to get you out of the car and off of your feet, per the doctor's instructions I won't argue." She pulled up into the driveway and turned off the car. "And trust me, Cody wanted to pick you up and bring you home himself but the poor guy couldn't figure out how to be in two places at once."

        "What?" Emma frowned with a half smile on her face. "What'd he do?"

        Cindy winked. "You'll see."

        Emma started to reach for the handle only to have it pulled from her grasp. She flinched back slightly, only to find Cody's face smiling down at her as he leaned in. "Hey there bebe," he muttered and held out his hand. "Let's get you in."

        Emma's entire being seemed to sigh in relief. This was what had been missing. His strong and steady presence that always seemed to calm and level her out. He was her compass and exactly what she needed to help her feel safe within her own skin. Cody was her hero and would always keep her safe. Without another thought she lifted her hand and let him help her from the car.

        Her bestie rounded the car with a grin. "Oh, by the way Cody, the doctor said she wasn't supposed to tax her lungs. So no flights of stairs, or exertions of any kind for at least another week," Cindy told him, waving the discharge papers. "No hanky panky mister. The love fests in the parlor on hold for the moment."

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