Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Cody was having a hard time not grabbing his wayward date and pulling her across the armrest between them and fucking her right there on the street in front of the place he'd been heading for. His cock was so hard and throbbing he didn't know if he'd be able to walk once they reached their destination.

This wasn't the Emma he was used to, not that he was complaining; but he was definitely shocked and well, happily encouraged. He'd never been the kind of guy who always caught the hints that females sometimes sent. Especially when it was toward the men they were interested in having a fling with.

But this, his hand clenched around her upper thigh, not two inches from her sweet pussy entrance? He once again felt the silken warmth of her skin beneath the stockings she wore. Fuck! Then you top it with what he'd known she wore also? Jesus! He hadn't failed to notice she also wore other instruments of torture for all males everywhere. He couldn't fail to notice it when she'd placed his hand there for him to find it.

Cody had never been so happy that Emma had always been a girly girl. Because now it meant that she was into all the feminine trappings. Which also meant that when she dressed up she didn't fuck around with it and just throw anything on. She didn't rely on being obvious in her clothing choices. She was sexy in the classic sense of the word. She took her time and made sure to remember all the little details that mattered.

Her skin was always silky smooth, and really soft scents that never failed to draw him closer, and apparently full sets of lingerie. Just knowing she wore the garter belt and stockings made him wonder what other treats were hidden underneath. None of the other women he'd gone out with in the past had gotten this concept. They hadn't ever realized that he, hell men in general, really were more into opening the package slowly to reveal the gift inside; rather than simply having the toy handed over without the pretty wrapping?

Did no one remember Christmas morning? The best part was ripping the paper off the gift.

But Emma, she fucking got it. And all without him having to explain that lingerie was for more than spicing up the bedroom. It was the seasoning that made the entire meal better. This date had already been going well, but now, it had only gotten better, because instead of his entire focus being on the plans he'd spent the last few days worrying about; his mind was filled with the possibilities of what else she might have under that scarlet dress.

Cody's balls twitched in excitement, she'd made it very clear she was planning on him seeing it, he was laying odds on whether they'd make it back home to an actual bed before he had that dress on the floor somewhere. He swore softly; his hands clenching around the steering wheel. Not now. He willed his cock to behave and be patient.

Shaking his head to clear the need-induced fog away, he pulled into the small parking lot behind the second surprise he'd been working on for the last week or so. This building was a part of the storefront with his Ma and Gran's store. In fact it was only two doors down from Heaven Scent. He'd been working on it during his lunch hour with Cindy's help.

He carefully patted his front pocket not wanting to damage himself, making sure he had the keys. He looked at her and saw her looking around the courtyard with interest.

"What are we doing at your family's place?" She looked at him and his heart jumped at how beautiful she looked in the low lighting. Her long lashes fluttered against her cheeks as she waited for him to reply. The eyes he'd thought he'd never see again sparkled at him. That curl he didn't bother to avoid corralling behind her ear teased him rebelliously.

"What?" She asked with an adorable frown.

"You are so fucking beautiful Em," he sighed feeling like the biggest sap and not caring a single bit. He leaned closer, his hand gently tugging her to meet his advance. She smiled against his lips as they met in the middle. Apparently that smile was contagious because he ended up joining her. The kiss was soft and brief. "Okay, I have plans that sadly don't include making out in my truck where anyone could see us." He kissed her quickly and pulled back with a wink. "That's actually my second date routine."

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