Chapter Twenty

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Cody lifted his coffee mug and sipped at the lukewarm coffee inside. The report in front of him made him want to scream every swear word he knew, maybe even invent a few new ones.

"How's the report coming along?"

Cody glanced up where Hank stood drinking a sixteen ounce soda while dumping peanuts into the bottle. He shook his head in frustration. "I hate this part of the job. I didn't spend a year in the academy to be a paper pusher."

"All part of it bud. But hey just got a call from the lab, the DNA sample matched up with the blood we had from William's scene. The red tape is all that's keeping the perp a secret from us."

Cody nodded. "Then we wait." Of course sometimes the hardest thing to do was to actually do nothing. But then at this point and time, that's all he had. He'd deal.

He'd hated having to leave Emma to face all those people alone after the service but work had called. Reports on the Reeves case, not to mention he'd felt the urge to wrap this shit up so they could start dating. Cody inwardly rolled his eyes. What a fucking sap he was turning out to be. Never mind Tony was acting weird as hell. Not a single text all last evening, not a word today.

Had he kicked it from a food overdose? Or maybe he'd finally fucked himself to death. Wouldn't that just be his luck?

"Saw Emma at the service. How's she holding up?" Hank asked as he dropped into Cody's witness chair.

"She seemed good. Well, as good as she could be I guess." He shrugged, really not sure exactly what was going on with him. He couldn't seem to focus. His mind kept urging him to move, to be somewhere else. Normally he'd blame this on simply the need to get a good night's sleep. Or sometimes it was because his Ma or Gran needed him to call them. Usually it wasn't anything really important.

But, this didn't feel like that sort of issue.

Naw, deep down inside himself his warning system was going off, like a defcon one alarm the highest known level of alarm known to mankind. Something wasn't right, somewhere. Damn it, he was half tempted to call his Gran and Ma to make sure they were okay.

"Cody? You look like someone just kicked you in the nads boy," his partner said quietly as he leaned forward. The older man looked seriously worried. "What's up? You sick or something?"

Cody debated about exactly what to say to Hank. "Just got a feeling Hank." He frowned and lifted his phone and checked again for a text from someone. Anyone. "My gut is telling me things."

Hank frowned, nodding slowly. "Know that feeling. All too well." He nodded toward the phone in his hand. "Best to call and check, fuck knows you're not going to get any work done until you do."

"Yeah, thanks." Cody slid open his contacts and tried Tony, it went straight to voicemail. Okay. Definitely going to have to check in with his best pal in person soon.

Next he tried his dad who answered on the first ring.


Cody closed his eyes in relief. It wasn't his family. "Thank God. I was worried."

"I was just going to call you. Your mom wants to talk to you," Drew interrupted before his mother's harried voice came on the line. "You need to find her!"

Cody's gut went tight. Oh hell no! "Find who Ma? Is Gran okay?"

"Grans fine she's down in her workshop working on a charm. I'm talking about Emma, son." Marissa said softly. "You need to find her."

Cody shot to his feet, ignoring his chair as it hit the wall. Hank gave him a worried look. "What do you mean I need to find Emma? I left her with you guys." He pushed his hand through his hair with a sick feeling of dread. "Ma what's happening?"

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