Chapter Seventeen

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That woman was killing him. Apparently she had decided to torture him slowly with innocent seduction. And while he was certainly glad to see that Emma was stretching her powers of sensuality it was slowly but surely driving him insane.

Cindy had brought out ice cream for dessert and instead of heading home for a shower and sleep, no, genius he was, he'd opted to stay and be tormented by the vision of her licking the white cream from her long handled spoon.

He knew the first time she did that motion she'd been teasing him. Obviously trying to see if he was paying attention or something. Who understood a female's mind? Complex creatures they were, he didn't even try to figure them out. But now he'd bet his badge that the slow, almost sensual movements she was doing now weren't totally innocent on her part. He was up in the air about just how innocent she truly was as he'd watched her slowly sway her hips from side to side, while her thighs clenched together, her eyes dreamy; lower lip caught between her teeth. Was this on purpose or not? Did he honestly care as long as he was able to watch? But Jesus fuck, just the sight of her lost in her own desire was hot! He'd nearly thrown her over his shoulder then.

Yet the look of innocence on her face confused him.

Good God, he hoped that she had no idea the reaction she caused within him, otherwise she was a sadist and he was in way over his head with her. It'd be like the situation where the innocent little librarian was really a closet dominatrix. He could see Emma in black—no red lace catsuit, and those thigh length stiletto boots. Or maybe one of those bustier things holding up her perfect breasts, an offering for a sexually starved man. Oh yeah, he could see that very clearly. Cody fought not to adjust his swelling cock and forced that dangerous image from his mind.

Work. Yeah. Work thoughts were safe.

He let his mind wander as he worked through the cobbler in front of him. The APB Hank had put out had yielded nothing yet. And their trip into the Desire section of town had the same. Although they'd seen the building from the video. It was the last known address the probation officers had for the Reeves brothers. Place had been empty. Which meant the two were in the wind.
He and Hank had agreed to meet up at nine in the morning to start again.

But tonight he wasn't going to think about anything except sleep.

Well, he needed relief from the obvious case of blue balls he was nursing at the moment, but then he'd definitely sleep. He glanced up and found Emma's eyes locked on him and his gut clenched. Under the table his half relaxed body went full tilt once again and throbbed harder to make its demands known. He grit his teeth against the burning ache. Her gaze softened the longer he looked at her. The dream, their kiss, everything culminated into that breathless moment. Cody didn't stop to think as his hand lifted and traced her delicate jawline. Her chest hitched as she leaned forward into his touch almost like a kitten seeking comfort.

"It's like we don't even exist," Tony whispered to Cindy, who promptly smacked his shoulder. He smirked. "Hey look at us, we're invisible."

What the hell was he doing? He couldn't allow his mind, or his hands to wander this way. He needed to get out of here before he did something stupid.

Cody sat back allowing his hand to slide away. He blinked and stood. "Thanks for dinner Emma, but I need to be heading back home for some rest."

"Oh," she said, standing with him. Her eyes glimmered up at him. "I'll walk you out."

"Sure," he nodded to Cindy and Tony who both grinned knowingly. His long legs ate up the distance quickly, almost too quickly to his way of thinking. He needed to get home, needed away from the living breathing temptation that Emma represented.

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