1. Crashing Into You

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Ring! Ring! Ring! Ughhh omg what is that horrible sound, I'm trying to sleep just leave me alone and let me have my wonderful dreams.

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. They were too heavy and felt like weights were on my eyelids.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Omg I really have to get rid of that noise. It's giving me a headache and I do not want to go to school with a headache.

OH WAIT! I have school today. I shot up and my eyes opened immediately. I looked over to where the noise was coming from and it was...My Alarm Clock!

Ughhh School...Or as I call it HELL.

I blinked a couple of times because my vision was still a little blurry.

Then I looked at my alarm clock to see it was 7:00

I'm gonna be late for school!

I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick relaxing shower. 

When I got out I wrapped a towel around my body and my long dark curly hair looking into the mirror.

Well my eyes are grey. They're always grey in the morning. They'll change later on in the day.

Making my way back to my room but on my way there I tripped over the rug and fell.

I am a very clumsy person. It's not really funny I literally have scars on my legs from falling so I don't really like showing my legs because I think people will make fun of my scars. Therefore I wear pants a lot, Even in the summertime.

I got back up and made the rest of my way to my room and went straight to my closet.

I decided to wear some black skinny jeans with a purple crop top and some boots, with a black sweater to cover my butt because I don't want anybody looking at my butt, it's very uncomfortable.

I walked downstairs to be greeted by the sweet smell of bacon and some eggs.

"Goodmorning mom" I said while giving her a kiss on her cheek.

I'm adopted but my mom didn't give me up for adoption, she died after she had me and my father killed himself because he couldn't bare with the fact, she was gone. So now I'm an only child living with my wonderful beautiful adoption mom who is also my aunt. Her name is Faith Gonzalez but as you can see, I call her mom.

"Goodmorning Cupcake" she said back

"Mom! You know I don't like it when you call me that" I pouted

"Yeah I know but you are my little cupcake" She said finishing up my bacon and egg sandwich, handing it to me.

"Thanks mom gotta go or else imma be late for school" I said grabbing my sandwich placing a kiss on her forehead, rushing out the door.

Sadly, I didn't have a car yet so I had to walk to school but the good thing was the school was only 2 blocks away from my house.

I jogged until I was out of breathe and at that I started walking. As I was walking I started eating some of my sandwich and can I just say...

That sandwich tasted SO good!

By the time I was done eating my sandwich I arrived to school.

I looked at my watch and it was 7:30 letting out a breath of relief because I had just made it in time.

I looked around to find my best friend Melody.

We have been best friends since 1st grade and we are still the best of friends even in our senior year.

She has brown eyes that can just make a guy melt, She is a skinny girl but has some what of curves, She's shorter than me but only by like 2 inches and it has always been that way. She has honey Brown curly hair that are so soft also She is very outgoing and I'm not but she still sticks around that's why I love her and would do anything for her.

I looked around some more but couldn't find her.

All of a sudden black surrounded my eyes and I froze until a familiar voice said "Guess whoooo?"

I already knew who it was, I turned around and said "Really Melody, You scared me, I was just looking for you"

"Yeah I know I seen you looking around like you were a lost puppy so I decided to sneak up on you" she said "Well gotta go don't wanna be late for class"

"Yeah your right" I replied hugging her and then watched her skip off to class.

I walked to my locker and got the books I needed for English.

As I was walking to my class looking at my boots

I loved these boots so much

Until I bumped into someone, falling and dropping all of my books.

"Sorry" I said while rubbing at the stinging on my butt from the fall

"Watch where your going nerd" A cold, deep voice replied.


Hey guys I'm kinda new to writing books but I've read a lot of these amazing books

And they just kinda inspired me to start one so I hope you enjoyed this first chapter


How do you think Sophia will react when she finds out who she has bumped into?
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