5. Revenge

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In the pic is Andre^

Recap: "Umm your in the wrong driveway" I said "My house is right there" I pointed towards my house.
"I know but this is my driveway" he stated

My jaw dropped

"Wait What?" I said in shock

I didn't even notice he was my neighbor...
I didn't even realize it.

He lifted his hand to my chin and closed my mouth "Wouldn't want to get flies in there now would we?"

I was dumbstruck and just shook my head

I cleared my throat "Oh umm Thank you for the lift home" I started to walk away but Andre wrapped his arm around my waist making my back hit his chest.
He leaned down to my ear and whispered "Anytime but remember you still owe me a favor".

At first I tensed up but then loosened up in his arms. Then after he said something about that favor I got out of his arms and walked quickly to my house.

Finally I made it to my house "MOM! I'M HOME" I yelled but no one answered.
Making my way to the kitchen and seen a note.

Sorry Cupcake but I won't be home until the morning I had to work an extra shift. There is some food in the refrigerator if you get hungry-Mom

I sighed making my way back upstairs

At home alone again

I thought to myself

I opened the door went to my lamp and turned on the light because my room was pitch black.
I got a feeling that someone was behind me and before I could turn around to see, A hand covered my mouth.
I couldn't scream so I used my self defense skills and stomped my foot on the persons foot and elbowed them in their stomach.
Suddenly I felt that their grip loosened and I made a break for it and ran

"Wait no Princess it's just me!" The person coughed out.

I recognized the voice and turned around to see Andre sitting on my bed holding his foot.

"Oh sorry I didn't me-" I stopped and then continued "How did you get in here so fast? and What are you doing here anyway?" I asked.
"I just climbed across the tree branch from my window to yours and I'm bored so I just came to bother you" He replied with a smirk.
"Ugh why me?" I whined
"Well maybe because it seems like you don't wanna be in the house all day alone so I came to keep you company" He replied
"And why would you say that" I crossed my arms.
"From the way you walked into your room and while you were coming up the stairs you said at home alone again" He said laying back on my bed getting comfotable.

"Oh I didn't even know I said that out loud"
"Well you did" He smirked
"Wait did I say that out loud too"
"Yes you did" He smiled showing off his dimples
"Omg his smile is so adorable Woo I wish I could see that smile all the time."
"Thanks Princess and you will" He replied for the third time looking at me amused
"I really need to stop doing that"
"Yes you do" He cleared his throat and continued "So what are we going to be doing today?" He asked me.
"I don't know" Shrugging "What do you wanna do?" I asked him
"Are you sure you wanna do what I wanna do?" He smirked

I caught onto what he was talking about and made a disgusted face "No nasty"

"How am I nasty? A guy has needs too I just wanted to see if you wanted to help me with them" He smirked

Memories flooded into my head and triggered something that just pissed me off

I pointed to my bedroom door and yelled "Get out!"
"Why?" He asked
"Because I said so now can you get out please" As 'please' came out in a whisper.

He looked at me with worried and sad eyes sitting up on my bed "What's wrong Princess?" He asked starting to stand up coming close to me.

I backed up as he stepped closer to me "Don't call me that! Please just go, Please" I whispered as tears started falling from my eyes remembering all of the memories with HIM.

The wall stopped me from stepping back anymore and I just slid down bringing my knees to my chest.

Andre stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around me whispering in my ear that 'it would be ok'.

Finally I calmed down and looked up at Andre as he looked down staring into my eyes. When he finally spoke "What's wrong? Why did you all of a sudden tell me to get out?"
"Because you said the same words this person said to me and memories just came back to me, I just don't want to get hurt again" I replied

Memories came flashing back to me as he said "A guy has needs too" I snapped myself out of my thoughts and looked back into Andre's ocean blue eyes.

"Who is it?" Andre asked his voice filled with anger for some strange reason
"I can't tell you, Just saying their name brings back to many horrible memories" I replied.
"Okay, But if you ever need somebody to talk to I'm here for you" He paused "But just remember I will always protect you".

What? Is this a joke or something

I noticed his arms were still wrapped around me and I actually did feel protected by him, I didn't want him to let go.

Suddenly when I calmed down my 'Playful Mode' came on

"Did the bad boy just get soft" I teased whipping the remaining tears from my face.
He cleared his throat "What. No. I'm just looking out for your mom because she's my neighbor and wants her daughter happy not sad duh" I looked into his eyes to see if he was lying it was hard to tell so I just shrugged it off.

"Yeah right Why would she want me around when she's never even home" Sighing "I wish things were how they used to be" I mumbled.
"Huh? What did you say" Andre asked
"Oh ummm" I cleared my throat "Nothing" I finished.
"Yeah sure" He said rolling his eyes but then he continued "So about that favor I know what I want now" He smirked
I sighed "Well then what do you want?"

I really don't think I should've said that but before I could take it back he spoke.

"I want...
Hi guys

So why do you think Sophia started to act like that?

What memories are she talking about?

And who is HIM?


I wonder what favor he wants from Sophia?
Just keep reading to find out

Bye guys ✌
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