11. Nightmares

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In the pic is Gloria and Essence^

Recap: My eyes started to tear up outta anger "Your so stupid Andre! Why can't you just leave me the hell alone? I fucking hate you!" I yelled tryna walk out the door.

But I was too dizzy so I fell and ended up hitting my head on something.
When I tried to get up I couldn't and everything just went black.
He smacked me and punched me as I became numb. My body wouldn't move. I wanted to yell but my voice wasn't working.

I had on my nightgown as he started running his hand up my thigh. He had me pinned up onto the bed. I couldn't do anything he was too heavy as he was on top, holding my arms down. His hand went up my other thigh as he spoke to me "Come on don't cry, Daddy just wants to have a little fun with you that's all".

I shook my head no. "Come on a guy has needs too" He said. I just kept shaking my head no, the only thing I could do because words still weren't coming out.

He started to come down towards my face as he tried to kiss me but I turned my head. He smacked me across my face "Kiss me bitch" he yelled. My cheek became hot and it burned.

He grabbed my face turning it towards him and kissed me. He began to take off my nightgown as the door slammed open. "Get off of her!" she yelled as she charged after him. She punched him and kicked him but none of it seemed to work as I was trying to get up from the bed and help her.

I was too weak

He punched her in her face. She got up as she said "I'm calling the cops". She tried to run out the room but he grabbed her and pulled her back into the room. He went to go grab for something but I couldn't see what it was. All of a sudden...
I couldn't breathe and I was drenched in sweat. It was just a dream Sophia breathe. I tried telling myself that over and over again but it didn't work. 

But after a few minutes my breathing was normal.

As I started to calm down pain shot up to my head. Ugh why does my head hurt. As everything from last night started flooding back into my head. Okay but why does my head hurt I only took a shot. I looked around to see where I was and it wasn't my room.

I was in a bed left with only my underclothes on. Omg did I sleep with somebody? I panicked as I seen some shorts and a T-shirt sitting on a chair. I put the shorts and shirt on then made my way out of the room.

I looked down the hallway to see stairs and I walked down them but stopped as I heard people speaking. "You didn't sleep with her did you?" I peeked from around the steps to see it was Kevin and Andre.
Andre laughed "Maybe"
"What Andre I thought you liked her, How could you take advantage of her like that?" Kevin asked
"Chill Kevin, I didn't sleep with her" Andre replied "Oh and I don't like her" he continued
"Then why did you care when Derrick was all up on her last night?" Kevin asked as he narrowed his eyes
"I didn't and I don't care about her so let's just stop talking about her and talk about something else" Andre answered.

I don't know why but hearing that kinda hurt and made me feel up with rage. What is wrong with me? Why do I even care? Actually I don't. I walked back upstairs to the room I was sleeping in and got all of my things.

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