14. Mom?

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^Sophia's Aunt/ Mom

RECAP: I cried into Andre's shirt. He had his arms around my waist trying to comfort me whispering soothing things in my ear. I just kept crying until unfortunately my eyelids got heavy and darkness took over.
I woke up in my bed as I snuggled more into my pillow.

I reached for my phone but I couldn't as I was trapped by a heavy weight. I lifted up the covers to find an arm around my waist. I tried not to panic shifting to face the other way trying to find out who's arm it was.

Finally facing the unknown chest, I looked up to find a smiling Andre.

"Goodmorning Princess" he said

I jumped out of the bed climbing over him which was a bad idea because I ended up falling on the floor. When I got myself situated I spoke "Why are you in my bed?Why are you shirtless?Did we do anything?Wait how did I get into my pajamas?" Panicking.

But all Andre did was smirk at me.

Stop with that stupid smirk and just answer my questions
Andre's P.O.V

It was funny how she was panicking but I didn't laugh instead I had a smirk on my face which made her worry even more.

Haha maybe I should have a little fun with this

I grabbed Sophia's arm and pulled her onto the bed as she let out a little scream.
I made my way on top of her with my legs at her sides so she wouldn't be able to go anywhere.

"Yeah I had fun yesterday,didn't you?" I said with an evil smile "You wanna know what my favorite part was?" I said moving my face closer to hers.

Ugh I feel like kissing her right now

She shook her head no trying to cover her ears but I grabbed her arms placing them on the side of her head "Well imma tell you anyway" I continued "I loved the part where I made you-" Then I busted out laughing. I couldn't help it, the look on her face was just hilarious.

While I was still laughing, she just sat there trying to process everything that was going on.
Sophia's P.O.V

I sat there trying to gather myself together while Andre was on top on me. I wanted to get out of his grip but I couldn't. He was heavier and stronger while I'm small and not stronger than him.

But then I snapped out of my thoughts when he started to laugh. I tried to figure out why he was laughing.

Wait none of that happened yesterday

"Your such a liar" I yelled as everything that happened crashed back into my head but he didn't pay any attention to me, he just kept laughing.
"Hey its not funny" I pouted like I was a 4 year old.

"You should've seen your face, It was hilarious" he said between laughs.

Finally when he stopped I noticed we were still in the same position and I think he noticed too.

A Bad Boys Puerto Rican Princess!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz