9. Friday

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Recap: "That's what I thought" I said walking away.

Suddenly he grabbed my arm, Spinning me around.

I tried to look up at him to see what he wanted but before I actually could look at his face, He crashed our lips together.
I pushed him away and swiped my mouth "Ewww!" I yelled at him.
"What?" He asked confused
"That's disgusting! Why would u kiss me with all of that lipstick on you? and also right after you kissed" I made a disgusted face and continued "Bianca" I finished.

He started to laugh

"Nothing is funny" I said crossing my arms

He just kept laughing

I wasn't going to wait for him to stop laughing so I just walked right back to the detention room.
I walked into the detention room and seen that the guys were going through my phone.

"Really!?" I yelled walking up to the boys grabbing my phone back "See I knew I couldn't leave my phone all alone with you guys".
"Are you okay baby?" I said looking at my phone "Did they hurt you?".

I looked up to see the boys giving me confused faces.

"What?" I asked

Then they started laughing

"You're weird" Mark said
"No I'm not" I argued "I'm just very sensitive when it comes to my phone"

He didn't even bother to respond and just shook his head at me while chuckling

I went back to the seat I normally sat in which was the seat between everybody.

Finally after they were done judging Mark spoke up again "So why did you decide to put lipstick on?" he asked while smiling.
"I didn't" I answered "Andre put this crap on me. Just disgusting." I swiped my mouth again "Like really who kisses someone then kisses another person after he kissed the first person he kissed" I finished looking at the boys.

They all looked confused

I sighed "Ugh. He kissed me but he kissed Bianca and still had her lipstick on his lips. So when he kissed me it rubbed off onto my lips" Saying it slowly for them to understand.
"Ohhh" they all said then looked up surprised "Wait. What. He kissed you?" Alex and Cole said.
"Yes. It was nasty. I do not want nobody else's lipstick on my lips. You don't know what kinda diseases Bianca can have. But do you guys always say the same thing at the same time?" I asked
"No" Alex and Cole said at the same time then looked at each other.
"Stop copying me" they said at the same time AGAIN

"Yes. They do say everything at the same time" Kevin answered my question.
Well it was time to go and get out of this hell hole people call school.
Me and the boys got up and walked out of the detention room.
But not Andre because he never came back to the detention room.

I wonder where he went. Maybe he went to go kiss on Bianca some more.

I walked to my locker to meet up with Melody and Sabrina.

"Hey" They both said with worry in their eyes.
"U-Um How did it g-go?" Sabrina stuttered
I laughed "Guys don't worry I'm not mad at you guys and he didn't do anything to me. We both just got cleaned up" I said.

They both let out a breath I guess they were holding in "Oh okay" Melody continued "Well Me and Sabrina were going to go to this party tonight and your coming with us" She finished.

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