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"I don't know what to do?" I said when we were sitting on the table at a bar.

It's been three weeks and I am still not sure what to do. A part of me is sure that I shouldn't go, as I know that Arjun is capable of convincing me to drop the idea of divorce.... And the other part is either curious or is in adrenaline rush it just wanted to go and see what happens. Arjun was unpredictable. Maybe because I hardly know him, or maybe I do. 7 years of marriage and yet we were so distant to eachother. I probably know him too well or not at all I just can't point at it.
What's running in your mind, Arjun!!!

My mind and heart were consumed in these thoughts.
Going to court was an option but I wanted to settle it in a peaceful way. Honestly I don't know what to fight about at the court. What will I say, why do I want a divorce?

Did he ever hit me in these 7 years?

Did he raised his voice?

Did he not provide?
He did! So much so that I had no idea what will I do of that money.

Did he insisted on keeping the marriage secret?
No. Everyone knows that I am Mrs. Punj, Arjun's beloved wife.

And the most important question

Did he ever cheat on me?
I mean atleast he wasn't sleeping with anyone else.

I know mental trauma is a thing but I have no idea if that is enough for the court to grant me the divorce.

"I think he is playing tricks Diya!" Kiran, my best friend and my brother's fiancee said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he doesn't want to divorce you..... He is a fucking sadist, he feels good seeing you broken." I said.

"Divorce is a good decision for him as well Kiran! Aarohi is back and as much as I know, both of them want to be with each other." I replied.

Last thing I remember is that Aarohi moved into his house with all her stuff and aunty welcomed her life she belongs there. That was the day I left.... That was the last straw.
A d I knew no one cared, it took Arjun 5 months to realise I wasn't living there anymore. Or maybe he didn't even realise, it was the divorce papers that made him realise my absence.

"Then why isn't he signing the papers?" Kiran asked.

"I don't know!" I was irritated now.

That was the was the answer I have been looking for. There has to be something.

"I think you should just deny!"

"I think I should agree!"
Both me and Kiran spoke together.

"Your brother will kill you and me if I agree to that!" She said.

"So you are agreeing?" I asked her.
I just needed someone to back me, so that I can tell Baba and Dada that she said yes!!!

"No! I am saying you should refuse!" She said, shaking her head.

"Kiran! If spending a few hours with him can get me freedom of lifetime..... I think I should!" I said, all I needed was one yes from her for my confidence.

"I don't know!!! I just don't have a good feeling about this!" She said.
"I think that he means it when he says that he isn't going to let you go and he will do anything to keep you with him!" Kiran never sounded so unsure.

"He would never do that!!! He hates me and letting me go will be the happiest moment in his life! I think it's just some drama for the property. Bauji must have put on some conditions for that and he probably want  me to sign some papers or something!" I concluded.

I don't know why Kiran thinks that Arjun had developed feelings for me...
Seven years is a long time and if he can't even look at me without hate, how can he suddenly had feelings, besides he never said that he has feelings, he just said he can't divorce me. Kiran is planting vague ideas in my head which are not really helpful.

I picked up my phone to confirm Arjun that I am ready for the date of only he keeps his promise of signing the papers, at exactly same moment my phone buzzed... It was Arjun. Intresting I thought.

"Hey sweetie!" Arjun said in a very sensual voice. Did he really do that or it's in my head?
"I really have kept my patience Diya but it's been three weeks... I really am waiting for your reply." He said

"Okay!" I said.

"Okay?" He asked, unsure "okay as in, 'yes okay' or 'i know you are waiting okay' I am impatient Diya please say it's 'i will see you' okay." He replied.

"I mean I will go out with you for one time. If only you promise me to sign the papers in front of me as soon as I come." I said.

I can get the signatures as soon as I go in and leave without staying for long.

"I will sign the papers once the date is over Diya!!" He replied, I can really hear a smirk in that voice.
"Don't tell me you really thought that you can leave as soon as I sign the papers."

Damn it!!! That is the reason he is  businessman of the year, he actually can tell what are you thinking and make decisions and plans based on that.

"Okay! But the papers will be signed tomorrow itself!" I said.

"I just want you to come Diya! I will agree to whatever you say once you come." He said, again there was smirk on that face of his I was sure.

What was up with him?

"I'll pick you up at 5 tomorrow evening." It wasn't a question, it was a declaration.

"Don't pick me up just tell me where do you want me to come I'll be there!" I didn't want any favours.

"Come on Diya! It's a date and gentleman always picks her lady up. I'll pick you up at 5, and I'll send you something today, try it and tell me if you like it! Oh! You have no idea how happy you mad me sweetie." Arjun said as I disconnected the call. I was just confused with his behaviour and for some reason I was scared of the upcoming date.


The gift Arjun spoke about arrived in the noon, lucky for me my father went out with his friends and my mother was out for her kitty. I received the boxes and ran straight to my room. I was in dilemma, opening the gifts would mean giving in with his conditions, but the problem is that I have no idea what the conditions were or if there were any conditions at all, or it was just what he said a simple dinner date.

Hesitantly I finally opened the box, the bigger one first, It has a saree.... The one I was trying to get for a long time, it was a golden and white Chanderi with pearl border. I have seen it once in a handloom stop but couldn't get it because it was already sold. The store manager told me that it was the only piece because it was made in order. I wonder if this is the same saree or Arjun has actually find a similar one. The other box had totally classic pearl studs. There was a third box which had white Jimmy Choo's.

This was the first time Arjun got me a gift, ofcourse other than the anklets he got me on the day he asked for a date, let alone this expensive and thoughtful. I wasn't sure if I should be wearing any of these.
That's when my phone buzzed, it was Arjun.

"How do you like the gift?" He asked.

"You didn't need to...." But I was cut short.

"Oh don't be ridiculous, ofcourse I needed to! All I want to know is if you like it or not? My heart says you do, my mind says you don't! Tell me who is right " he sounds genuine.

"It doesn't matter Arjun! Let's just get done with this!" Without waiting for him to reply I disconnected the call. My heart was pounding in my chest
Was agreeing to him was a bad decision?


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