12-ARE WE?

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Ishaan kissed me...

Ishaan kissed me!!!!


He confessed his feelings to me around 15 days ago.... I did want to take it slow but today at the restaurant he just kissed me.... It was just a peck but the feeling of his lips on mine was something words can never describe....

In seven years of my pathetic wedding Arjun never kissed me once... Or did he when..... No he didn't..... he can't.... I was too drunk that night..... In seven years of our marriage he did things but never kissed me on my lips.... It was as if he was saving his love filled kisses for someone else.... At times I felt like a whore who was just doing it for money.... Arjun gave money every month like a perfect husband.... I remember telling him once that he doesn't need to give me money to which he replied....

I am just doing what a husband should.... Save your money for the times you would need it.... Spent the money I give you in buying clothes, jwellery and everything else a rich wife should..... You have to present yourself well, your work is just a hobby....

He never really cared about my achievements or anything.....

This was the perfect valentine's day for me... My first ever valentine... He gave me a small pendant.... A beautiful sea green pearl pendant.... The pearl isn't perfect round it's imperfection is it's beauty Diya! I might have so many imperfections but I get to love you and that's what is the most beautiful thing about me...

He thinks loving me is the most beautiful thing about him.... He is just my dream come true....


As I was gushing over my perfect valentine's day I heard a loud knock on the door...


Again.... I was scared.... The episode of me receiving notes isn't really old.... When I shifted to Delhi for the whole first month I have been receiving them... Though nothing ever happened, the notes weren't really threatening but it was really creepy... To know that someone is watching you all the time I was scared... So Ishaan helped me, he would pick me up for the office and drop me back home.... I usually cooked my meals so food delivery wasn't a problem but even then he has instructed the watchman to receive the food and then deliver it himself.... Eventually when he installed a CCTV at my door the notes stopped coming... But it still scared me.... What if that the person who was sending me those notes os pissed off and was planning something horrible....

Why is it happening to me?

Why can't I live peacefully?

Am I going to die?

Or worst.... Will he....?

"Open up Diya." I know this voice.

"Open at once... Or I will break the door!" An icy cold voice said.

"Don't act now... Open up if you don't want the neighbours to file a complain against you." The voice warned.

"Go away or I will call the police!" I said trying to be brave.

"Try!" He said calmly.

"What do you want Arjun?" I asked him, irritated, as I open the door.

He moved swiftly.... His eyes pinned on my face... His glare was a cold one...

"When did you come back?" He asked, his voice has no emotions.

"None of your business!" I acted bolder now. We were divorced, and don't owe each other anything. And just by seeing him in front of me, I somehow forgot all the manners my parents taught me.

If We Could Have It Again Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα