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Delhi has always been my favourite city. Everyone would say that it is really unsafe for women and what not, and I agree but I just couldn't stop  loving the place. The broad roads, paush localities, golf clubs, the food every thing. I also understand that I can easily say that I have never faced any kind of harrassment or eve tease or anything like that because I have been married into one of the richest family. I never had to travel into metro, bus or even a taxi. I have never been to the other side, the real world. And now I was there... Scared to start again. I was 22 when I got married and mostly protected. My father-in-law would always send someone with me everywhere I go. I remember we, me and Ishaan were going out for a sight visit and man was constantly following us
Do you know him? He was alerted.

Who? I didn't realise that he might have seen Lakhan bhaiya, the body guard.

Is he following you? Have you seen him before? I liked the way he showed concern. This was the first time in five years after my marriage that someone other than my father and father-in-law has shown some care about me. Rest of mine and Arjun's family never really bothered. Ananya too was becoming a friend but we have a long way to go.

Oye you! Are you following us? Are you following her? Take this as a warning leave and stop following her or else.... Ishaan warned Lakhan bhaiya

Hey... Hey.... I know him, my father-in-law appointed him to.... Protect me!!!!
I was a little embarrassed.

Who are you girl?
He smiled.

Does it matter? I give my 100% to my work... My personal life is my concern.
Not that I mind talking about my in-laws but I know how influential they are and never wanted people to pretend to be friends just because I was a Punj. My colleagues and Ishaan knew I was married but doesn't know anything about my family, I still go by Diya Prakash Pradhan. Never changed the documents, I guess I always knew that my marriage will end someday.

Hey! I never wanted to be disrespectful.... I was just... Never mind, let us not talk about your family, husband and that dangerous looking bodyguard....
I smiled and like he said he never asked me anything about my family or husband.

Not even when I asked for 6 months leave and when I asked if I can join back. Ishaan was understanding. When I asked him I will need a place to live in, he didn't ask why I would not be living in the family house.

When I came back here, Ishaan has already paid 6 months advance to a small cozy flat. When I tried to pay him back he said, consider this as my house warming gift for you!

"Do you need any help in settling down?" He asked as he dropped me off. It's been 7 days since I shifted here, and I had no idea where to start from.... I was eating either take outs instant noodles. I inle had one pan, one plate, one spoon and one glass at my home... I was even buying water I had nothing to store it... I know that I need things but either I was too tired of going out on shopping or too late from the office. So finally on the weekend Ishaan being the sweet pea that he is offered me help.

"I need to go shopping! I wanted to arrange the place!" I replied.

"But it's a fully furnished flat?" He said, there was this innocence in this question.

" Yeah! But it's just furniture, I need utensils to cook and plates to eat and mugs for tea.... I really wanted to invite you for coffee but I have one glass that too is steel...." I blurted out.

"I can have coffee in steel glass!" He smiled.

"I.... Okay..... But then how will I have it..... In the plate!!!" I said, it sounded like I want to see him other than work. But truly my intention was just showing him how thankful I was.

"I know what you mean Diya! You don't have to feel awkward. Let me pick you up in an hour. we can go out for shopping, let's get whatever you need... Do you have a list ready?" He asked.

"I do!" I replied ".... In parts!" I completed, making him laugh.

"Let's do this... You take the list and get whatever is there on it... Then we have dinner, I drop you back home and you make another list and we go get those things as well.... We have the whole weekend..." I said, making me wonder how could someone becso sweet and considerate.

"Okay!" My mind didn't want to agree but when I opened my mouth only this thing comes up.

As promised Ishaan picked me up and we had a blast finding things on different aisle.

Finally when we were done with the list, we decided to have dinner. But instead of going to any fancy restaurant he took me home.
"Yaar, my help already has cooked to why waise when you can have home cooked meal." He explained.

Diya was really happy, she had a friend who would stand by her no matter what. She felt like she had the support she needed for a long time. She felt tired of being responsible and now she finally want to go back to her happy self. Ishaan also helped Diya to pick up shopping bags and keep the bags to her apparent.

But through this whole time Diya could feel someone could see her. She often has goosebumps on her neck. She tried to find someone but there was no one.

When Ishaan kept the last bag of all the things they got, and left for his home. Diya let out a tired sigh and picked a package which she wasn't sure had kept.
Is this something Ishaan got? She thought to herself.
The bag felt so light she wondered what could it be.
She looked inside and found a paper which looked like a bill. Curious, she took out the paper and read the content. The paper fell from her hand, sweat beads appear on her forehead and a cold shiver ran down her spine. She got a little scared at what was written there

Hey beautiful! I see you!

Hey!!!! I am glad you all are hating Arjun. Also what do you think about Diya ki mummy. Why is she like that.
Also who sent the note.

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