Chapter 1

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I've always been drawn to the idea that people enter our lives with purpose—they either bring blessings or valuable lessons. Yet, I've never considered my own impact on others. Was I a blessing to someone, or merely a lesson? It's a question that lingers.

I've distanced myself from interactions, believing that people can bring both joy and pain. I've opted out of potential hurt by keeping to myself. But now, looking back on that choice, was it the right path to happiness? Was I really happy?

"We'll miss having you around, Cali," my colleagues, with whom I never really bonded, bid me farewell as I pack my things.

"Don't forget about us, Cali. Make sure to bring us chocolates as pasalubong, okay?" another colleague, who had never paid me much attention until now, said as I prepared to leave. Even before I could leave, they're already asking for pasalubong? I couldn't help but make a face, though I made sure they couldn't see it.

"You're so lucky to have had that opportunity." said by another colleague, her tone dripping with mockery. Luck? I've never relied on luck. I've earned everything through hard work.

After packing my things, I turned to them with a smile. "I'll miss you all too," I said, though I didn't really mean it. Honestly, I couldn't care less about them. But I figured it's what they wanted to hear. Their expressions were unreadable, but it didn't matter to me.

I went straight to our head nurse after and said goodbye. She seemed equally disinterested so I just left. Now, as I am walking through the hallway where I used to rush, I couldn't help but wonder, would I miss this place? Probably not.

As I made my way past the receptionist towards the entrance, I caught sight of Manong Guard, whom I could say is the most genuine here. His face looked a bit sad. "You're really leaving, Cali?" he asked as I stopped in front of him. He had always been close to me, greeting me warmly over the past years since I was hired.

I nodded, "Yes po." I took a deep breath and reflect on how I arrived at this decision. I turned to face him once more and continued, "Staying here has taught me a lot, but now I just want to take a breath and savor life, perhaps in a new place with fresh surroundings." I said, my voice tinged with a little sadness. If you're going to ask me if I'll miss Manong, definitely. He's been like a father to me here, and I've grown to see him as family.

"If that's how it is, I wish you the best of luck, Cali," he said genuinely, in stark contrast to my colleagues inside. I gave Manong a brief hug as a farewell. Now, I felt a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving.

"Thank you, Manong. I'll be sure to bring you some chocolates when I return, but let's keep it between us." I said with a wink, to which he responded with a nod.

"Alright, go on now before it gets late." he said with a gentle smile. I turned and started to walk feeling a mix of emotions as I left.

With a final wave and a last glance at the hospital where I'd spent five exhausting years, I couldn't help but mutter, "Bet you're gonna miss me." As I turned away, I raised my middle finger in a defiant farewell. "Adios, stress factory." Finally, I felt free.

Lost in my thoughts, I was abruptly pulled back to reality by the sharp honk of a car horn nearby. Glancing over, I saw my best friend Jana pulling up beside me, her window rolled down.

"Are you really flipping off the building?" she asked, her tone tinged with disbelief and a hint of amusement. Before I could answer, she cut me off with a shake of her head. "Never mind, Cali. You're hopeless. Get in before that building starts to curse back at you." With a playful grin, she motioned for me to join her in the car, and I couldn't help but laugh as I climbed inside.

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