Chapter 3

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I woke up feeling exhausted, with a headache like I'd had too much to drink. I found my glasses on the bedside table and put them on. There were empty beer cans on the floor. I felt a little dizzy. I had a drink last night and the beer somehow numbed me. I checked the time on the wall clock and it was past 10am. I remembered I have an appointment with HR after lunch today.

I headed straight to the bathroom to wash up. The water was icy cold. Yesterday, I spent all day searching online for information about Dom, but I couldn't find anything. I felt sad thinking I might never see him again and regretted not talking to him before. I tried asking pride_Chicken for help, but he wasn't online all day, which left me feeling even more helpless and drained. But, I mustn't be consumed by my emotions.

I dressed up after and stood before the mirror, staring at my reflection. I looked okay, nothing special. My clothes were old, but I didn't think I needed new ones. Since I'd be working as a company nurse, I wouldn't get to wear casual clothes often anyway.

I scheduled an online carpool ride to Jana's workplace and arrived right on time. From the outside, the building appeared massive. Jana told me that besides their office, it housed a variety of businesses, including cosmetic brands, online shopping headquarters, banks, restaurants, modeling agencies, and more.

I made my way towards the elevator where I reached out to press the button, only to have my hand accidentally meet that of a guy next to me. He was wearing a mask and a hoodie.

"Sorry," we both said at once. His voice sounded oddly familiar. I glanced at him one more time but I couldn't see his face.

We both stepped into the elevator. I pressed the 8th floor button, but the guy in the hoodie didn't. Perhaps we are headed to the same place? And knowing me, I did not bother to ask. He also didn't seem like someone you'd want to talk to either.

More people got in from other floors, and soon the elevator was filled by the time I reached my stop. I got off, but the guy in the hoodie stayed behind. I glanced at him, thinking we were going to the same place, but when I looked back, the doors had closed. It felt odd.

I brushed off the thought and made my way to the floor lobby. As I approached the front desk, the floor admin greeted me with a warm smile. I was reminded of Manong Guard from the hospital — they had the same welcoming vibe.

"I have an appointment with HR today," I told her.

"Your name?" she asked politely.

"Cali, Cali Versoza," I replied.

She scanned through a list and found my name. "Ah, for the nurse position. Can I see your ID for the pass?" she requested.

I got my ID and handed it to her. She then gave me a keycard and visitor pass. "This is for accessing the doors, Nurse Cali. You'll need to return it to get your ID back. The HR office is right next to the pantry. Thank you," she explained, gesturing where I should go and making sure I wouldn't get lost.

"Thank you." I smiled back at her and went inside.

Jana's office occupied the entire 8th floor of the building, which was quite spacious, bustling with people moving around. It operates in the advertising industry with a staff of over 300 employees. Jana herself leads the Creative Department, where she oversees design projects.

Finding the HR office was easy, all thanks to the floor admin. I knocked, and through the clear glass panel on the door, I saw a woman in her early 30s waving me in.

"Good afternoon, Nurse Cali, correct?" she greeted, inviting me to sit down.

"Yes, I'm here as asked," I confirmed.

Hey, it's Nurse Cali! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now