Chapter 10

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Scientists suggest that statistically, each of us has roughly six people who look a lot like us out there — doppelgangers. However, the exact number and existence of doppelgangers are still up for debate, as it's hard to prove with certainty. You really never know until you see.

In my case, seeing Kana's photo, looking so much like me, convinced me that there might really be someone out there who looks just like me.

Since meeting Mino, time has dragged on slowly. He persistently tried to reach out, even showing up at the office clinic. But right now, my mind is just not in the right place, and I'm struggling to figure me out. I told him that if he kept doing that, I'd quit. After that, he disappeared, and now I wonder if I was too harsh on him.

Every morning, I push myself to go to work, holding back tears. But at night, when I'm lost in my thoughts, loneliness sets in and I always end up in tears. I thought growing up meant Jana would be there for me, but things got rough, and I feel alone again. Life's been tough lately, reminding me of the old days when I had no one but me. It's like everything is falling apart all over again.

I slowly raised my head as my phone rang — it was Izzy calling. I brushed away my tears and composed myself before answering the call.

"Hey, girl!" he said as I picked up.

"H-hey," I replied, my voice cracking slightly.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Ah, yeah. What's up?"

"Uh, just want to ask if you wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"I-I'm not really up for going out," I said, feeling drained.

"Alright. But, you sure you're okay though? Heard about Mino and you from Dessa," he asked, making sure I was alright.

Oh, so Dessa knew already. I figured everyone did.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"If that's what you say. Just know that Dessa and I are here for you, alright?" Izzy said, and I felt a sense of relief knowing they were there for me.

"Thank you."

After our call, I hid under my blanket to shut out the world. But I knew I couldn't stay there forever, realizing I'm a high-functioning depressed person. So I got up, washed my face in the bathroom, and then checked my laptop for any updates about my application.

To my surprise, there was an email confirming the approval of my work visa for Australia. The agency said they were only awaiting confirmation from the employer about my start date, possibly within the next 1 to 2 months. A quick smile lit up my face at the news — I wasn't sure if I was sad or happy, but I knew it was a significant step forward. Perhaps I should inform HR to start looking for someone new soon, so I can train them before I leave.

As I was closing my laptop, a notification popped up. It was a message from amsterDom.

My hands trembled as I opened his message, bringing back good old memories.

amsterDom: Hey, Cali. It's been a while.

I wasn't sure why he messaged me out of the blue, but I quickly responded to his message.

heyitsnursecali: Hey, what's up?
amsterDom: You busy? Mind if we talk?
heyitsnursecali: No, not at all.
amsterDom: Look, I heard about you and Mino, and I'm sorry if I didn't tell you sooner. I felt somewhat responsible for not making it clear. I messed up too. I'm really sorry, Cali.

I was surprised to see his message. Did he really come online just to say that? To be honest, I had already forgiven Dom. It was my fault, after all.

heyitsnursecali: No, it's not your fault. It was me. If I hadn't assumed you were cheating on me, none of this would've happened.
amsterDom: No, Cali, I was the reason why someone important to him is gone. I was the one who got drunk and caused the fight in the car. It was all my fault.
heyitsnursecali: But if I hadn't left you, it wouldn't have happened.
amsterDom: No, Cali. It's not your fault. If I had reacted differently, things would've been different. What happened a year ago wasn't because of you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes, things are just meant to happen.

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