Chapter 13

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After my parents separated, Mom focused on her career, leaving me alone at home most of the time. Over the years, Mom found love and married Uncle Ted while my father who was really messed up that time decided to live with his mistress.

While both of my parents provided me with financial support, they were absent when I needed them the most. I'm not sure if I hate them. Maybe I've just grown accustomed to the idea that they're no longer there for me, and that's okay.

And now, talking to my mom feels strange. She doesn't seem to care anymore, so I was surprised to get a call from her.

"Glad you picked up. I heard you're going abroad?" she asked when I answered. Normally, I wouldn't answer her calls, but maybe I should now, especially since I'll be leaving in two months.

"Yes, sorry I hadn't mentioned it," I replied, even though I hadn't planned to tell her at all. Maybe Jana had informed her about my plans. After all she occasionally checks in on me through my best friend since I moved out.

"It's okay. You've been on your own for years now, so I understand. I just want you to take care there, Cali. And I'm sorry for not always being there for you," she apologized, as she often does.

"It's okay," I replied, my tone distant.

"Alright, Cali. I have to go now. Your Uncle Ted is waiting for me. We're leaving for a trip. Bye." She said, and before I could respond, she hung up.

I paused, staring at my phone for a moment, then exhaled deeply before rejoining Jana, Dessa, and Izzy at the coffee table.

Earlier today, everything was normal at work until lunchtime when HR told us we had to leave early for pest control. So, Jana and I invited Dessa and Izzy to join us for coffee while we waited for Bambi to finish school. During our chat, we found out that Izzy is leaving in two weeks, which led Jana and Izzy to talk about letting know Bambi the truth about his father.

"Sorry I had to take that," I said as soon as I returned. "Where were we again?" I asked.

"Deciding on the place," Jana replied. Right.

"I suggest doing it at the aquarium. It's Bambi's favorite place, after all," I proposed.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. It's his happy place," Jana agreed.

"Will this weekend work?" Izzy asked for confirmation, and Jana nodded in agreement.

As our discussion flowed, our chat turned to my upcoming plans to leave the country.

"By the way, are you really sure about leaving, Cali? Can't you just stay?" Jana asked, hoping I'd reconsider my decision to go abroad.

"You know my answer to that," I replied firmly, resolute in my decision.

"What about Bambi? He'll miss his favorite Auntie," Jana appealed to me, now using her son to convince me.

"Don't use Bambi to sway me, Jana. You know he's my weakness," I replied, feeling her attempt to make me stay.

She sighed, defeated. "I suppose I'll just have to spend more time with my best friend," Jana said sadly.

Lately, I've been feeling consistently uncertain, and it's been weighing on me. That's why I made a life-changing decision, something I'm excited to move forward with.

Just a few days ago, I've informed HR about my approved visa and start date abroad. Resignation letter? Sent. Now, they're searching for someone to fill my position. It might take some time, considering there are a few interested candidates for the company nurse role so in the meantime, I'll just keep pushing forward. Sounds like the way to go.

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