Chapter 12

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Do you know about six degrees of separation? It's the idea that we're all connected by just a few social links. A friend of a friend could be your friend, showing how small the world really is. But I never imagined that this idea could apply to us. Who would have thought that I had already met my nephew's father years ago?

Jana and Izzy went aside to talk privately while Dessa, Nick, and I stayed at the table, still shocked.

"Wow, that was unexpected," Dessa said, surprised by the revelation that Izzy had a son he didn't know about.

"I never saw that coming," Nick added, still amazed.

"I guess Bambi could have two moms," I joked, and we all laughed.

Later, Jana and Izzy seemed to sort things out. Jana wasn't upset with Izzy. She explained that she wanted to tell him about their son, but she couldn't find any way to contact him. They also had already broken up by then, making it seem unnecessary. Izzy mentioned that he had deleted all his social media accounts at the time, leaving only the app where I met him activated.

"So, you're both planning to tell Bambi?" Dessa asked.

"Yes, but not with me looking like this. He might be shocked," Izzy said.

"But wouldn't it be better if he knew who you really are?" I asked.

"Maybe eventually, but not right now, girl," he said.

"Bambi is a smart kid. He'd understand," I reassured Izzy, reminding him that Jana had raised Bambi well and he wouldn't judge him for it.

"I wanted to, but you know, kids nowadays get bullied when they know their father is gay."

"Well, sadly, that's true. People can be quite judgmental," I agreed.

Once everything settled, the party continued. Izzy watched his son from a distance, yearning to embrace him. But, I believe they'll get there eventually, and when that happens, we'll be the happiest around them.

I looked around, hoping to find someone. Would Mino be here? But, to my dismay, I couldn't find him anywhere. I guess he isn't coming? Well, I wasn't sure if he was even invited in the first place. Still, Nick might have extended an invitation, given that it was his girlfriend's son's birthday. Or perhaps Angel didn't want him here? Or maybe she's with him. I considered asking Dessa, but I didn't want to bring up the topic of Mino, so I dismissed the thought.

And as the celebration resumed, it was time for the seven gifts tradition. I stepped forward to give Bambi my gift. "You made it, Auntie!" he exclaimed with a smile as I approached him. I really miss my nephew.

"I promised I wouldn't miss this," I replied, giving him a hug. Then, I quickly shared a message with him, reminding him to stay kind, obedient, and always listen to his mom — the typical auntie messages you hear at birthday parties.

After a few more traditions, it was time to eat. The buffet was full of delicious food, and as we sat down, Nick surprised us all by singing. It reminded me of how he used to sing to me seven years ago. It brought back memories, and I smiled at the thought. Honestly, I can confidently say that I don't feel anything for him anymore.

As Nick continued his performance, we enjoyed our meal at the table. Just when we thought he was done singing, we realized there was more to come.

Nick called Jana and Bambi to join him at the front, where he gave Bambi a toy car as a gift. Bambi hugged him tightly in gratitude. Then, unexpectedly, Nick knelt down in front of Bambi and asked for his permission to marry his mom! It was such a sweet gesture, seeking approval from Jana's son. There, Bambi hugged Nick even tighter, saying yes. Nick then turned to Jana and proposed to her. But, before Jana answered, she looked at me, as if silently asking if I was okay with it. Tears welled up in my eyes at the thought of her still considering my feelings. I nodded in affirmation, and Jana happily accepted the ring. Everyone in the room applauded.  It was such a heartwarming moment that we never expected to happen at Bambi's birthday party.

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