Chapter 4

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Jana and Bambi stood patiently outside, waiting for me. "Good morning!" I greeted them with a smile.

It was early morning, and I hadn't even had my breakfast yet. I stayed up late last night, my mind racing with thoughts. Despite feeling tired, I knew I had to gather my energy as it was my first day of work at the company.

I'm wearing my favorite white scrub uniform. Nurse Lee said I could wear anything as long as I looked like a nurse and everyone in the office could easily recognize me.

"Good morning, Auntie!" Bambi greeted me happily.

"You look really great in your nurse uniform," Jana exclaimed, looking proud at me.

After exchanging a few morning pleasantries, we made our way down from the apartment complex and got into Jana's car. Since there was no traffic, we arrived at the office early after dropping off Bambi at school. There, Jana and I decided to grab free coffee in the pantry while waiting for our shift to start.

My best friend appeared to be lost in thought. I wondered what she was thinking, but I didn't ask. If there is one thing I've learned about life is that if someone has something on their mind and they're comfortable sharing, they will. I'm also not one to pry. I believe in respecting people's privacy and having genuine conversations rather than being nosy.

As we were enjoying our morning coffee, Jana began to speak. "Thanks for doing this for me, Cali. I know it's been tough lately," she said, looking at me.

I glanced at her, "You know I've got your back."

Jana's smile widened as she sighed. "Thanks, Cali," she said sincerely. Then, her expression turned serious as she looked at me. "You know what? You might need to switch things up. Aren't you feeling a bit bored with life?" she asked, reaching for my phone on the table.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked, confused trying to see what she was doing on my phone. I moved my chair closer and there she was, downloading an app and setting up an account for me. What was she up to?

"This is where I met Nick," Jana said, sounding like a lovestruck teenager. Wait, seriously?

"Nick who?" I asked, now I am intrigued.

"The guy I went out with last weekend." she replied.

So, his name's Nick? And now Jana's talking about the dating app where she met him. She suggested I try it, which surprised me. Is she serious about this?

"Nuh-uh," I scoffed, feeling a bit irked. "No way I'm getting myself into that dating app thing," I said firmly.

"Fine, but give it a shot," she said, sounding defeated as she handed me back my phone. "By the way, did you bring your signed contract?" she asked.

"Yep, it's right here. I'll give it to HR later, maybe during lunch," I replied.

"Great! Let's meet up for lunch then. I can't wait!" Jana was excited.

After we finished our coffee, Jana headed to her department while I made my way to the clinic. As I sat down, I couldn't help but soak in the relaxed atmosphere. It was my first day here, and damn, it felt like a breath of fresh air  unlike the crazy hustle of the ER where I used to grind. This was a complete contrast. Here, I found peace.

I got the contract to submit to HR later and put it on the table ensuring I wouldn't miss it. While doing so, I couldn't help but think about Dom. Would we ever meet again? But how, when I'm stuck in the office all day? Should I go out for lunch? But, wait! HR needs my contract first. Maybe I'll sneak out later. But then I remembered Jana mentioned meeting for lunch.  What excuse can I make? And seeing Dom again? Highly unlikely, but worth a shot. Where do CEOs eat anyway? Probably not at their desks, right? I Googled it on my phone. Am I really this desperate? Now, notifications from the dating app kept popping up. Ugh! I should delete it, but Jana might get upset. She only wanted what she thought was best for me. So I guess muting it will do.

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