Chapter 14

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"Here's to Nurse Cali starting a new life abroad," Izzy said, raising his glass of champagne. Everyone else followed suit.

"Thanks, everyone," I replied, feeling grateful as I looked around at Dessa, Nick, Jana and Izzy. Bambi is also here with us, but he's inside, exhausted and already in bed after a full day of swimming.

Today was really fun. Izzy went all out for my goodbye party, surprising me by renting a yacht for dinner. I thought we were just having a beach party, but this was even better.

As Jana and Izzy danced, I got lost in the beauty of the sky. It made me realize that sometimes you just need to take a break and relax. I had been thinking about going on vacation, and it turned out to be exactly what I needed.

While sipping champagne, I noticed Dessa and Nick talking on the yacht's deck and they were close enough for me to hear them.

"How's the family business doing?" Dessa asked.

"The stocks took a hit due to an unexpected incident within my father's company. Father mentioned the necessity to seal a business deal, so the family decided to do it through an engagement. They preferred to keep it within the family, hence Mino taking charge." Nick explained.

"Is an engagement really necessary? How much more does your family need? Maybe I can help," Dessa offered, wanting to assist Nick.

"Help? Are you implying you'd marry into my family? That's quite the proposal," Nick chuckled.

"I have no interest in becoming your sister-in-law. What I mean is, I could ask my father for support. After all, we're family friends."

"I doubt my father would approve. He's not one to accept help from close friends. He prefers to handle things his own way, if possible," Nick explained.

"At the expense of Mino's happiness?" Dessa asked.

Dessa's question hung in the air, but Nick simply shrugged, "That's just the way things are."

Looking back, I sometimes regret what I did to Mino. But the idea of him hurting his family because of me doesn't sit right with me. Seeing relationships fall apart has made me realize how much pain they can bring and I don't want to be part of that. I don't want to cause trouble for his family just because he cares about me.

While lost in my thoughts, the sky suddenly burst with colors. "Look, fireworks!" Izzy cheered. We all got up and rushed to the deck to watch.

"Let's snap a picture!" Izzy suggested, gesturing for a group selfie. "Say cheese!" he prompted, and as the photo was taken, the sky kept sparkling with light.

After the farewell party thrown by Izzy, life went back to normal, and we resumed our work routines. I still had a few tasks to wrap up at the office. That week also brought some welcome news – Nurse Doree had arrived as my replacement!

"Before administering medication to the staff, remember the protocol. Ask them first, then administer the medication, and lastly, have them sign in here with their name and department. Understand?" I instructed her. Doree nodded eagerly.

"Got it, Nurse Cali! Thanks. I'll make sure to follow that." Doree replied.

Since she was new, I kept an eye on her work. But, despite being a fresh graduate, she was doing well and everyone already liked her. Perhaps, nobody would miss me after all.

Time flew by quickly, and before I knew it, my last day at work had arrived. The training with Nurse Doree went well, and she quickly grasped the tasks that needed to be done in the clinic.

"Thank you for everything, Nurse Cali. I've learned so much from you," she said, handing me a farewell gift. It was such a kind gesture from her.

"You didn't have to," I told her as I accepted it. "But, thank you!"

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