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Today is your 20th birthday and you haven't seen your family in three years which has been really hard

Starting here at the age of 16 being the youngest has been a thing on its own

But this team and your club keep you busy and away from home and family

They have become your family now

Mini is your second mom and she will be way tougher on your than she would be to others

Steph always supports you and listens no matter what

Hayley is your wife on the team you love her so much it's crazy

Kyra and charli have been your day ones being closest in age to them

The trio were your best friends they always worried about you and knew everything

You groan as you hear your alarm

You get up and put on a sports bra and shorts and pull on your shoes before going for your morning run

You pop in your AirPods and start your playlist

Your whole run your mind is clouded with thoughts

You don't know how long you were running

You just kept running

Until a hand grabbed your wrist and caused you to stop

You turn confused and see a very worried Alanna

You take out your AirPods and pause the music

"Babe you've been running since 5:30" Alanna says worried

"I know I just need to run to keep training" you say

"Well breakfast is almost over" Alanna says

"Okay I'll run and eat" you say running off

You walk in and worried eyes are on you right away

"Y/n/n why were you gone for so long" macca asks

"You've been running for three hours non stop" Caitlin adds

"I know I know I lost track of time" you say getting food on your plate

"Well mama bear has been asking where you've been" Sam says

You turn to see mini sitting at her usual table and she is giving you a worried mom look

You walk to the table and sit down

"I'm fine mini" you say beginning to eat

"Are you" she asks dead panned

"We are not doing this right now" you say

"Well if you aren't taking care of yourself you are hurting yourself and the team" mini says

"Trust me I'm very focused on the team" you say

"Okay let's stop grilling y/n/n" Hayley says she puts her hand on your knee under the table trying to ease you

"Thanks hals" you say quietly

You finish eating and then leave in a hurry

Steph runs after you

"Hey hey calm down" Steph says softly

"Steph I just can't do this right now" you say

"Hey mini is just worried about you"  Steph says rubbing your back

"I know" you say

"Happy birthday kid" Steph says kissing your cheek

"How did you know" you turn to her shocked

"Y/n/n I've celebrated your past 4 birthdays with you and the team" Steph says softly

"Go shower and change and meet me at the theater room in an hour" Steph says before running off

You walk to your room and shower

Turning the water all the way to hot to feel the heat burn against your skin

It made your muscles feel so good the more you stretched under the hot water

Once cleaned you turned it to ice cold and counted to one minute before shutting it off

You grabbed matching black Nike sweat set and make your way towards where Steph told you to meet

It's dark

"Steph" you fall into the darkness

The lights turn on and the team is screaming


You look for mini and run into her arms

"I'm so sorry mum I shouldn't have treated you like that this morning" you say into minis neck

"Hey honey it's okay I'm not upset" she says than kisses your forehead

Sam starts music

The trio pick you up and everyone is dancing around

Ellie grabbed a champagne bottle and poured glasses

When you turn to see Tony bringing in a cake

"Happy birthday to our youngest" Tony says pulling you into a hug

Everyone hugged you and was telling you how important you were to them and the team and it was in that moment you were so happy to be 20 with all these amazing women as role models around you

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