Red card

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16 minutes left in the game against Ireland

Ruesha has been on your ass all day and throwing you around

"Dammit let go of me" you say trying to get her off of you

She shoves you again

You pass the ball to Caitlin and she scores

Once she is turned around celebrating you see ruesha storming over to her about to shove her

You turn and see Katie running to protect Caitlin you run and push Caitlin out of the way and ruesha punches you square in the face

You fall back in pain gripping your face and rolling on the ground in pain

"Y/N" you hear Caitlin scream when she turns around and sees you get punched

You keep going in and out of consciousness

The whistle is blown and people are yelling and pushing people

Katie shoves ruesha to the ground

Hayley and Steph are shoving Ireland players away from you

"What the hell was that" Katie screams at her when the ref comes over and throws ruesha out of the game

Katie kneels next to you with Caitlin and the others

"Shit she's bleeding a lot" you hear Hayley say

Katie takes off her Jersey and holds it against your head keeping pressure on the wound

"She fucking saved you Caitlin" Katie says in shock

The trainers run over and Katie and Caitlin pick you up to be carted off the field

The game finished and Australia won

You had stitches on your forehead and have a black eye and a concussion they wrapped your head

You were finally released to go on the field and see the rest of the team

You walk out

And the crowd erupts cheering for you

The team runs to you so fast you couldn't even react

"Oh my god y/n/n are you okay" Mary asks brushing your cheek

"I'm gonna kill her" Sam says pissed

"Your poor head honey" Ellie says

Charli and Kyra are both hugging you

"Damn y/n/n don't ever scare us like that again" macca says

Alanna pulls you into a hug and she kissed the top of your head

Hayley pulls you into a hug and just holds you for awhile

"Are you okay kiddo" hayley asks

"Um I don't feel the best but my anxiety acting up" you say

Steph walks up and hugs you

You see a little kid holding a poster with your face on it so you walk over

"Hey sweetie did you enjoy the game" you ask

"Yeah I just got scared when you went down" the little girl said

"Oh I'm okay kiddo here let me sign this" you say signing hee Jersey and poster

You were about to walk away when you decided to give her your Jersey

"Thank you so much y/n" the little girl says as you walk off

You feel a jacket being put on your shoulders and turn around to see Katie in a New Jersey

"Here you'll get cold y/n/n" Katie says softly helping you put on her Ireland jacket

"Thank you Katie" you say

Once zipping up the jacket you hug Katie and start crying

"I thought they were gonna hurt Caitlin and I couldn't just stand there" you say crying into Katie

"Hey hey I know and I'm so grateful you saved her but I never want you hurt either y/n/n" Katie says holding you which not long after Caitlin joined the hug

"I can't have my parents getting hated on" you say softly

"We love our daughter" Katie says laughing

"I hate her" you say honestly

"I think we can all agree on that now y/n/n" Caitlin says being lead back inside under Caitlin and Katie's arms

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