The girls

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Growing up you've never been the best at making friends

In school it was your biggest struggle it was even worse on your team growing up

Your parents and siblings were always worried because you had a tendency to go quiet and not talk anytime you felt overwhelmed

Your family was used to it and knew how to help you

But school kids would just look at you weirdly for being overly quiet which made making friends a very big struggle

So you focused on your training and stopped trying to make friends in school and stayed to yourself and your studies

Once you started getting really good at football and started getting noticed it struck you that you needed to be able to communicate with your teammates

When you got called up to the Matilda's

You finally found a group a family of girls that understood you

They were your family

Each girl was amazing in different ways

Sam was always there to help you talk over different attacks on the field she knew your strengths and weaknesses

she's even helped you chose your celebration her and kristie always invited you to family dinners and you always felt welcome with them they are probably your favorite couple ever

Alanna always was helping you during media days and interviews

she knew how to keep you focused on what was happening and keeping you laughing at all times

she always had your back with interviewers when they would start asking to many personal questions

Mary was always there for when you were feeling homesick since you were practically the same age

it was really easy to talk about missing certain things and Mary was always there even if all you needed was a hug or a laugh

Hayley has looked after you from the start she calls you her love bug don't know why that's the nickname she's chosen but it is

and every time you score she's always the first one on the field to pick you up and spin you around in celebration

Mini was another mother to you always making sure you were getting enough food and sleep and taking care of yourself to be the best player you can be she would always let you sleep at her if you asked

Harper was the little sister you've always wanted she always wanted to be carried which you would always happily do for her she always wanted you to go over and play with her mini always thanked you for how much you cared for Harper

Kyra was one of the first of the people you opened up to she always would make a joke to make you feel better or she would just sit in silence with you always was your shoulder to lean on she was always there for you in your moments of need

Caitlin was always a softy with you she knows the signs of when you start to get overstimulated and but she also always was there to keep you company during training always was your biggest cheerleader keeping you going even when you were down

Ellie loved to teach you French and she always was inviting you to come on trips with her to see the world and to see all the great wonders she's been very helpful with learning to train your body and give it time to heal and come back better than ever

Teagan was always there to help you practice shots on goal she was always cracking a joke when you got down she would always find a way to make you feel better about yourself

Charli was your day of sunshine she was always making you do TikTok Dances with her or challenges which really helped bring you could of your comfort zone she always was hugging you and making you feel loved and welcome

Stephy was always helping you work with your crosses and passes which was very helpful with you because you've always struggled with communication while on the pitch but she taught you hand signs to communicate with the other girls

Macca taught you to always be forceful on the pitch but to a limit not to push it to far which has helped drastically on your performance she always was there for fun with her and Alanna and Caitlin they always made sure you weren't left alone and was always with someone

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