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Australia was playing against England

Very very physical game still 0-0 going into second half

You see an opening and run for it Caitlin sends it to you

You see Mary running out the goal putting pressure on you and you chip it and the crowd erupted

Caitlin jumped on you

"That was a banger y/n" Ellie says

Steph kisses your forehead

You run back to your spot

The games getting a lot more physical

Leah slide tackled Caitlin

Getting to the end and Lj is getting really upset

You hear her cussing from beside you

Lj misses her shot

You run up and Macca passes the ball to you

And before you can pass to Steph your being tackled to the ground

Whistles blown

You hit the ground hard and the opponent is still laying on you

Lucy and Keira grab Lj off of you

"What the fuck was that" Keira yells at Lj

"Bloody hell" Lucy swears

Hayley and Alanna are arguing with the England players

"She went for her on purpose she wanted to hurt her" Hayley yells at Ella

"That's a red card red" Alanna says to the ref

The ref pulls out a red card sending Lj off the pitch with fans booing her

Kyra and Ellie are kneeling beside you

"Are you alright darling" Ellie asks

"My shoulder" you groan

Leah comes over to check on you

"Y/n you need to sit up" Leah says

Leah flags over the medical teams

England and Australia's medic run on the field

Leah and Sam help you sit up

"Her shoulders dislocated we need to pop it back in" the medic says

You look terrified at the medics

"Pop it back in" you shriek

Caitlin and Hayley enter the group

"Someone hold her other arm to keep her standing" a medic says

Alanna and Caitlin grab you as the medic grabs your other arm straightens it out

"Ow stop please" you cry in pain

Then the medics pushes your arm back and up and you feel the pop

Everyone around you winces

They then start to wrap your chest and shoulder

"I'm sorry for how Lj acted that was a dirty tackle y/n I hope your feeling alright now" leah says

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