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Ellie and Steph find you sitting in the dining hall

"Y/n love why aren't you in bed" Steph asks sitting down next to you

"Migraine" is all you have to say

The team knows how bad your migraines can get and can last days

Ellie places her cold hands on your forehead and you relax into her touch

"How long" Ellie asks

"A couple hours" you say

"Where is it" Steph asks

"Behind my eyes" you say

"Okay let's get you situated in our room love do you can at least rest some" Steph says helping you stand you

Ellie and Steph lead you to their room

Steph lays you against her in bed as Ellie grabs you medicine and a water bottle

"Open up love" Ellie says softly

You obey and open your mouth

Ellie plops the meds in your mouth before putting a water bottle against your lips

"Drink and swallow dear" Steph says from behind you

After Ellie sits the water down she joins you on the other side of the bed

You end up falling asleep

Ellie throws a blanket over you to keep you warm

In the morning

"Wake up hun" Ellie says gently

"Mhm" you mumble tiredly

"It's time for breakfast you slept love" Steph says

You sit up and Ellie hands you more migraine medicine

"Just in case" Ellie says winking

You swallow the pills and head to breakfast

When you walk in your greeted by Caitlin who hugs you good morning

"Why didn't you come to bed last night" Caitlin asks cautiously

"Migraine" you mumble

Max a joins the conversation

"Oi raccoon eyes I see migraine?" Macca asks

You nod

"Dang kiddo that's the third one this week" macca says pulling you in for a hug

"It's okay I actually slept last night Steph and Ellie took care of me" you say smiling

Caitlin thanked Steph and Ellie for taking care of you

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