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You've woken up with a stuffy nose and a narley cough

You sit up in a coughing fit

Caitlin hands you a water bottle

"Thanks Cait" you say softly

You get dressed and head down to breakfast

You can't stop coughing

Caitlin keeps looking at you worried

You staggered down the hallway

"Let's get you seen by our medics" Caitlin says putting a hand behind your back guiding you towards the medics

"Hello dear what's the problem" the medic asks

"I woke up really congested and have a pretty narley cough" you say holding your chest

After they check you out they give you a dose of meds you take them

You groggily walk back into the dinning hall and see macca and Alanna

"Hey babes where have you been" Alanna asks

"Medic office" you say

Macca and Alanna look shocked

"What's wrong with you" macca asks

"I have congestion and they gave me some meds that's all" you say

Going down the line getting some food

You yawn in line and hold onto the table to stabilize yourself feeling overwhelmingly tired

Well you soon find out that those meds are gonna knock you out

You head over to sit with Caitlin when you feel really sleepy and you feel strong arms guide you to sit down

You're sitting in Hayley's lap and Caitlin is sitting in the seat next to you force feeding you

" they fucking drugged y/n/n" Alanna says laughing videoing you in a daze

You start getting shy because of Alanna and macca laughing at you

"Hey fuck off" ellie says shooing them off

Ellie than comes over and pats your back gently

"Hey sweetheart you're doing great babes" ellie says sweetly

Ellie helps Hayley keep you sitting up right while Caitlin is helping you eat and drink

  Hayley and Caitlin help you back to yours and Caitlin's room

Where you end up falling asleep sandwiched between Hayley and Caitlin on your bed

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