Late nights on the bus

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Your sat with Steph and Ellie and Hayley on the bus

Steph keeps laughing at a picture admin just posted of you from the game

"Why did you shut your eyes they weren't gonna hit you" Steph asks dying laughing

Hayley and Ellie are laughing now seeing the picture

"To be fair the cameraman was running and I didn't think he was gonna stop in time so I prepared for impact" you say shrugging

"Just imagine the videos on TikTok if y/n/n just got plowed by a camera man I can't take it this is too funny" hayley says wiping tears from laughing so hard

"Leave y/n/n alone guys she was just scared" Ellie says trying to not laugh

"Seriously you guys never care about my well being" you say huffing and crossing your arms turning to look out the window

Sam walks down the aisle singing strawberry kisses

When she sees you upset

"Who upset the toddler" Sam says into the bus microphone

Everyone looks towards you now curious

"She's just upset we were laughing at her" Steph says laughing still

"Ahh makes sense well toddler don't take it to heart the teams loves you twerp" Sam says into the mic sending you a wink

You give Sammy a smile which causes Sam to smile and give you a thumbs up

Sam keeps singing with Alanna

"I should pick better best friend" you say

Before you can react all three of them hit you

"Owww guys" you say

"Well don't say that ya big baby" hayley says

"We're great best friends" Ellie says proudly

"You're just mad because they took a bad picture of you" Steph says

You look at them for a bit

"Yeah your right the best best friends I could ask for" you say smiling when Stephy pulls you into her side for a hug and Hayley and Ellie both are beaming with smiles

"There's our girl" Ellie says

"Your lucky we don't let many people join our friend group"Hayley says

"Forever grateful raz" you say smirking

"Get some sleep y/n/n you barely slept last night" Ellie says

"How would you know that el" you ask

"Because you were on TikTok all night" Ellie says giving you a knowing look

"Here darling lay your head on my shoulder" Steph says softly from beside you

You listen to them and end up falling asleep on Steph's shoulder

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