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I began walking back to the dining hall, and as I was about to step inside the room, I hid behind the wall, hearing Hyun-bin talk utter shit again. I briefly glanced at the table, it was only the men present on the table.

Jay's father, Jay and Hyun-bin.

"Hyun-bin, I don't choose who my son loves. She's a good woman, she saved our families life." Mr Park spoke, reprimanding Hyun-bin.

"She's not a classy woman, Hyojin was supposed to be with Jay. We agreed on this years ago. Your son is going to marry a woman who cuts open bodies, takes out guts and does god knows what in other people's bodies." Mr Son continued speaking, and I couldn't help but feel that horrendous feeling in my heart.

I was always nonchalant when it came to insults against me, I was just raised to be tough - I never really cried - never really cared even, my mother had always taught me it's best to just be like that to live a better life.

I guess it worked in a way - but now I can't really express my own feelings.

For some reason, it felt so much worse than being insulted by some random person. I know this contract was false, and I know that I wasn't going to see Jay's family in a few weeks anymore, but still, ouch.

"Hyun-bin, I am a surgeon too, and I don't appreciate you speaking about my girlfriend like this." Jay interject, and I pressed my lips together, a smile forming.

Alriiiight, don't make me start giggling over here.

Okay no, I need to get ahold of myself.

"Jay, you don't want this. You're young, you don't understand the importance of a good candidate for marriage. She's going to be working most the time, you won't be able to see her, how would you manage to even raise a family in these conditions?" Mr Son gave an exasperated sigh, and although I did understand his point - he was a guy originating from a conglomerate family after all - it just didn't seem right the way he was wording it.

"I'm not saying this because I want Hyojin to be with you, but I'm doing it for your own good. Believe me, I am married myself, and I am thankful everyday that Taeyeon is a lovely, classy woman. She takes care of the house and the kids, and I make the money and help with the kids occasionally." He added, "You're in blind love."

I gave a light sigh, still eavesdropping from the side of the wall. Wow, rich people have vastly different lives. Completely different.

"Blind love? I think you're mistaken, not everybody wants a traditional lifestyle. Sarang is the most hardworking girl I've ever known, through blood, sweat and tears, she sacrifices everything for her goal. You think she wouldn't be able to sustain a family because of her job? You're very wrong, I guarantee she would." Jay argued back, and although the topic basically insulting me was pretty hurtful, his words defending me made me feel a lot better about myself.

"Jay. You're young, you don't understand - but you will if you just marry Hyojin. She may not be as smart or as pretty as Sarang, but she's obedient, and she's caring - she's soft spoken and has the skills to be a good mother." Hyun-bin gave a large sigh, frustrated by Jay.

"Hyun-bin. I don't want your daughter. I have a girlfriend, and I'm going to marry her. And what do you know, maybe she will be a mother? But you know what - that's not even up to me, I don't mind whether she does or doesn't want to." Jay bitterly spat back, and I placed my hand over my mouth, compressing the smile about to protrude forth.

Okay? So will this contract turn into 'the wife act' soon?

"Hyun-bin. I do believe that Sarang is the best girl for Jay." Mr Park even intruded on the conversation, and I think that should reinforce how Hyun-bin is in the wrong right now.

"Mr Park, didn't we agree on this together? Jay was - and still is - supposed to marry Hyojin?" His tone was getting quite hostile, so in this moment, I decided to step in.

They all glanced at me, the whole table falling silent.

Oh okay, yeah sure, just don't continue your conversation.

Jay's eyes were glued onto me as I walked around the table, sitting back in my seat, next to him.

It was silent for a couple more seconds up until Jay's phone pinged. He glanced down, and a look of relief swept over his face. He looked up at me, a light smile on his face.

"Sorry, excuse us, but we have to leave." Jay suddenly spoke, and I was confused, had no idea what was going on, but regardless, still stood up with a bow.

At this moment, Hyojin, Mrs Park and Mrs Son walked in collectively. Hyojin still glared at me as me and Jay were about to walk out of this room.

park.jongseong → the girlfriend actWhere stories live. Discover now