Lesson Twenty-Eight: An Unsure Future Is A Test Indeed

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Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu, I'm hoping you all have prayed by this point hopefully. I'll say this again and again, but there's no time better than your time with Allah. I have my ups and downs when it comes to faith... and I'm sure you do too. Because it happens during every Muslims life time and its a normal thing. But when you're at the bottom, focus on getting back to the top. I know it's hard because Shaytaan's back and he's enjoying your misery so much. Don't ever lose faith. Don't ever leave your prayer even if you hit rock bottom. Prayer is the thing that connects you to Allah. If you don't have that, I hope you'll learn to establish it one day. I sincerely do. May Allah grant us a death during our highest leap in faith, in prayer, in sujud, and in His remembrance. Ameen. Love you guys for the sake of Allah <3 


"Aww!!! She's adorable! Mom, mom, mom! Can I hold her?" I asked my mom who was sitting in pain with Jannah in a crib beside her in the hospital. 

"Go ahead." My mom said, smiling. It was only a day since Jannah was born. My mom went into labor last night, and gave birth shortly after. My grandmothers were both there as well. 

"Support the head!" My mom's mom said. 

"Don't leave your sister's body hanging!" My dad's mom said. I frowned at both of them. 

"Shh, you two already had your chance with her." I said, scowling. I was working the whole day and couldn't get anyone to take my shift. When I held her properly, a smile spread across my face. Her skin was smooth and rosy, and her body was tiny and thin, and... she was crying. "Assalamu Alaikum, Princess." I said, quietly, grinning. I kissed her on the forehead and started moving my arms back and forth to try calming her down. And she eventually did. Unlike me, she had blue eyes. "Um, mom are you sure she's ours?" I asked, after seeing Jannah open her eyes. 

"Your grandfather had blue eyes." She said, smiling. "Your sister's one lucky girl. Your dad didn't even get those blue eyes." I turned to my dad's mom, and she stood there quiet. Speaking of my grandfathers, whatever happened to them. 

"Hereditary, eh?" I said, staring at my little sister. She stared up at me with her eyes wide open. 

Before classes officially started, I decided to give myself a tour. But knowing how bad I was with directions... I could predict myself being lost already. When I finally reached college, I stood there confused. It was my first  time there. I didn't get to attend any orientation, and neither was I going to get a free tour... or maybe I was. 

"Yeah, sure, don't mention it." A girl with a navy blue hijab, and a denim jacket over a long black maxi dress was right in front of me. Is this who you sent me to help me Allah? 

I walked a little closer to her to see her sighing. When she saw me, she almost got scared. "Sorry, I didn't see you there!" She said. I shrugged a little.

"No, I'm sorry for  coming out of nowhere." I said, laughing a little. She smiled. 

"Do you need some help?" She asked, thoughtfully. 

"Yes, please." I replied. After giving me a full tour of the whole building and where my classes were and telling me the shortcuts to each class, I finally stopped her to ask her of her name. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry for not introducing myself! My name's Arwa, and I'm in my third year." She said. "A suggestion." She said, pointing to my body. "You look like you're in great shape. Don't study too hard and forget to maintain it. A lot of us are suffering with that in our third and fourth years." She said, grinning. "Join the gym. It's completely free!" She said. "And if you need a partner, just contact me, and I'll try making it whenever." Wow, first day, great luck. 

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